Mr.Combet Webshell
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***** ChangeLog for 20.0.4 compared to 20.0.3 ***** FIX: $this->origin_object can not be instance of CommandeFournisseur if it is already an instanceof CommonObject FIX: 17.0 API endpoints "PUT": prevent overwriting all extrafields if only some are supplied in the request cf. PR #29237 FIX: 17.0 - collisions in cache for dol_getIdFromCode FIX: #18713 FIX: 20.0 - PHP8 fatal when creating a reception unless corresponding PDF model is enabled FIX: #21294 Stock import sql query FIX: #26250 fatal error on kit FIX: #28702 FIX: #29624 - substitution of __DATE_DELIVERY__ FIX: #32113 FIX: #32186 FIX: #32339 Delete a loan settlement is partial FIX: #32387 FIX: #32477 Loan - Insurance amount need decimals FIX: #32611 FIX: #32736 + avoid php warning FIX: #32743 FIX: #32765 JS Error: Uncaught TypeError FIX: #32801 VAT type is inverted in form VAT selector FIX: #32840 FIX: #32843 FIX: #32880 - Tags are using a special rendering. FIX: add other fields FIX: autofill price with multicurrency on supplier doc FIX: avoid phan error FIX: avoid php8 warnings FIX: avoid warning with the new Dolistore website FIX: backport from develop to avoid php warning FIX: Bad calculation of the theoretical stock. Did not take into account FIX: bad dispatched quantities for batches on shipment card FIX: Brian is in the kitchen FIX: broken feature, compatibility with "Default search filters" FIX: broken feature with check $pa_ht_isemptystring FIX: Bug on select user on time.php (all project list) FIX: can not delete files in task card FIX: Check "$search_sale" only if it's an internal user FIX: clean unique extrafields when create product combination FIX: code not visible correctly into view of dictionary FIX: compatibility between next_prev_filter and hook return FIX: compatibility with multicompany FIX: Complete path was started in #17243 for pdf_cannelle FIX: Continue for eagle_proforma FIX: country id is not saved when we provide country_code only FIX: #CVE-2024-34051 FIX: delete supplier order when at least one line linked to customer order line FIX: display error when loan can't be deleted FIX: display full tree on shipment card when a kit contains a same component in other sub-kit FIX: DROP INDEX IF EXISTS is not possible ! FIX: extrafields lost during creation from rec invoice FIX: FEC import FIX: Fiscal year - missing translation on status FIX: Fix return value of hook sendMail when hook return -1 who must be return false in sendfile() function FIX: GETPOST('private_message') FIX: glob is better for search files with wildcard + avoid warning FIX: if $force_entity = 0 ($force_entity != 'default') = false FIX: Loan - Insurance amount need decimals FIX: Many status on invoice linked object block FIX: merge problem FIX: missing company name if dontaion is linked to third party FIX: missing default values if $objsrc or $soc fields are empty FIX: missing edit extrafields inline for member card FIX: missing quick edit for extrafields FIX: more bugs and warnings FIX: Multilangs : PDF lines description FIX: Must not have both thirdparty and member. FIX: ODT substitution when many HTML tags in string FIX: on the road again FIX: pdf_cannelle (supplier_invoice) add background - Complete #17243 FIX: Prices didn't update when clone a propale with update prices FIX: product variants copy: also copy multiprice variations FIX: refactorize (maybe broken feature for not received completely) FIX: remove debug trace FIX: remove socid when cloning a project without third parties FIX: removes traces of <<<HEAD conflicts following the postponement of branch 13 modifications (#32014) FIX: remove unused code FIX: same broken feature for propal and invoice FIX: select 2 no record found translate FIX: selectcontact is loading all contacts if socid is empty and MAIN_ACTIONCOM_CAN_ADD_ANY_CONTACT is not set FIX: selectcontact is loading all contacts when update event FIX: select group and severity search fields on ticket list FIX: send email to assigned user on ticket create FIX: sql error with the new sql forge filter FIX: sql "order by" is defined twice FIX: status ticket update for new message FIX: swap tests FIX: switch on/off status of a page of the second website. FIX: There were many status indicator in the invoice linked object block (propal card) FIX: uniformize code FIX: units used scale and scale is an integer FIX: wrong alias table FIX: wrong file path + avoid warning FIX: wrong filter format FIX: wrong "fournisseur" var value checking FIX: wrong left margin FIX: wrong message on update shipment FIX: wrong ODT path for multicompany FIX: wrong path for odt models FIX: wrong search filter, empty product unit is "none" FIX: wrong update function parameter FIX: some wrong var type FIX: some wrong var name ***** ChangeLog for 20.0.3 compared to 20.0.2 ***** FIX: 17.0 - missing error handling for FactureRec::fetch in card-rec.php FIX: 17.0 - warnings due to uninitialized variables + delete code that doesn't apply to recurring invoices (AFAIK, there is no recurring credit note feature) FIX: #31159 - TVA Account by country is not used (#31984) FIX: #31724 (#31885) FIX: #31890 store empty line extrafields (#32152) FIX: #31997 FIX: #32007 missing parameter on function multiSelectArrayWithCheckbox (#32008) FIX: #32021 FIX: #32171 (#32172) FIX: #32178: repair.php: fix missing 'as' with Postgres (#32179) FIX: #32259 FIX: #32317 Error with report by month sales tax FIX: #32391 FIX: #32402 Social Contribution - Update - Drop the attached employee FIX: #32408 Dict - module Event organisation is stable now FIX: #32467 FIX: Accounting Closure Duplicates, Subledger accounts, Account Labels and more... Update bookkeeping.class.php FIX: add a line in expensereport refused FIX: All contacts were loaded even if no thirdparty was selected (#31877) FIX: asset: missing ref_ext field used in CommonObject::isExistingObject() (#31870) FIX: assets: division by zero when trying to calculate depreciation on assets that don't have it (#31858) FIX: avoid php8 warnings FIX: broken feature, check if module is enabled FIX: broken feature, entity can not be empty ! FIX: broken feature, wrong GETPOSTINT parameter FIX: BUG #32454 (Third party creating vendor) FIX: calculate start date of cloned task from cloned project (#31799) FIX: can not convert to reduc if draft status FIX: comparing strings with numbers can be touchy FIX: Debug option not working replaced by the one that works. FIX: default user in stat page FIX: Ensure extraparams cannot be selected by the user (#32132) FIX: GETPOST "$check" parameter can't be empty FIX: Hidden dropdown download link in project FIX: stop doing a full closure without duplicate lines generated by an unclean database FIX: in projet/element.php total_time is always back to 0 FIX: (invoice): mutlicurrency_tx correct value FIX: invoice: revenue stamp wrongly converted to int (#31840) FIX: issue #28222 Edit date extrafield displayed on all on lines (#31914) FIX: "location_incoterms" is a string FIX: missing hook parameters FIX: missing saving MAIN_SECURITY_MAX_NUMBER_FAILED_AUTH FIX: old copy not needed in supplier order create method (#31733) FIX: send mail to BCC when email formatted as Fullname <email> (#31983) FIX: set birthday alert (#32133) FIX: Status not correct in Public ticket list (#31922) FIX: swiftmailer: correctly set errors-to header (#31826) FIX: TakePos barcode rule (#31857) FIX: Takepos: set the country of the default customer (#31915) FIX: Update Accounting closure with missing too many A-Nouveau #30039) FIX: Update on a sold line of bank entry set the type to empty, now it's fixed #22539 (#31888) FIX: update status on create supplier order for trigger (#31642) FIX: use tax with code on supplier order line give tax code missing in supplier invoice (#32018) FIX: warning in agenda when user have no color and AGENDA_NO_TRANSPARENT_ON_NOT_BUSY=1 FIX: when create intervention from propal (or other object), element link is missing after creation (#32035) FIX: with no perm on supplier, must not see supplier of the best price FIX: wrong check FIX: wrong trigger name (MODIFY instead UPDATE)