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#!/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl # cpanel - scripts/import_exim_data Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C. # All rights reserved. # # This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited package scripts::import_exim_data; =encoding utf-8 =head1 NAME import_exim_data =head1 SYNOPSIS import_exim_data ( --help | <logfile1> [ <logfile2> .. ] ) =head1 DESCRIPTION This command re-populates the email statistics database based on the contents of the log files at the given paths. The format of the data in each exim log file should conform to the data format of F</var/log/exim_mainlog>. Any of the files may be in gzip format, in which case the filename must end with C<.gz>. =cut use strict; use warnings; use parent qw( Cpanel::HelpfulScript ); use Cpanel::Config::LoadCpConf (); use Cpanel::EximStats::ImportInProgress (); use Cpanel::Finally (); use Cpanel::IONice (); use Cpanel::IP::Loopback (); use Cpanel::Locale (); use Cpanel::PIDFile (); use Cpanel::Sys::Load (); use Cpanel::TailWatch (); # PPI USE OK - inline below use Cpanel::TailWatch::Eximstats (); use Cpanel::TimeHiRes (); use Cpanel::IO (); use Cpanel::Timezones (); use Try::Tiny; use constant _OPTIONS => (); use constant _ACCEPT_UNNAMED => 1; { package FakeTailWatch; # Because Cpanel::TailWatch::Eximstats::process_line() # thinks it needs a tailwatch obj use parent 'Cpanel::TailWatch'; # PPI USE OK - needed to mock this properly sub new { my ($class) = @_; return bless {}, $class; } sub register_module { } sub register_reload_module { } sub register_action_module { } *_is_loopback = sub { my $self = shift; goto \&Cpanel::IP::Loopback::is_loopback; }; sub log { shift @_; printf STDERR "@_\n" } sub log_sql { shift @_; printf STDERR "@_\n" } sub debug { shift @_; printf STDERR "@_\n" } sub error { shift @_; printf STDERR "@_\n" } sub clear_data_cache { } { no warnings 'once'; no warnings 'redefine'; *Cpanel::TailWatch::Eximstats::_send_limit_exceeded_notification = sub { return 1; }; *Cpanel::TailWatch::Eximstats::_validate_email_limits_data = sub { return 1; }; } } $Cpanel::TailWatch::Eximstats::LOG_DUPLICATES = 0; # Our for tests our $LOOP_SIZE = 10000; our $MAX_SLEEP_TIME = 120; # seconds __PACKAGE__->new(@ARGV)->run() unless caller(); sub run { my ($self) = @_; Cpanel::PIDFile->do( $Cpanel::EximStats::ImportInProgress::PATH, sub { $self->script( $self->getopt_unnamed() ) }, ); return; } sub script { my ( $self, @infiles ) = @_; local $ENV{'TZ'} = Cpanel::Timezones::calculate_TZ_env(); if ( !@infiles ) { die $self->help( Cpanel::Locale->get_handle()->maketext('Give at least one filesystem path.') ); } my $tailwatch_obj = FakeTailWatch->new; $tailwatch_obj->init_global_share(); my $logfile = '/dev/null'; my $now = time; Cpanel::TailWatch::Eximstats->init($tailwatch_obj); my $eximstats = Cpanel::TailWatch::Eximstats->new( $tailwatch_obj, 'buffered_sql' => 1, 'import' => 1 ); my $cpconf_ref = Cpanel::Config::LoadCpConf::loadcpconf(); if ( Cpanel::IONice::ionice( 'best-effort', exists $cpconf_ref->{'ionice_import_exim_data'} ? $cpconf_ref->{'ionice_import_exim_data'} : 6 ) ) { print "[import_exim_data] Setting I/O priority to reduce system load: " . Cpanel::IONice::get_ionice() . "\n"; } setpriority( 0, 0, 19 ); $eximstats->_ensure_dbh(); $eximstats->{'dbh'}->do('PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;'); my $finally = Cpanel::Finally->new( sub { $eximstats->{'dbh'}->do('PRAGMA synchronous = ON;'); } ); INFILE: for my $infile (@infiles) { print "$0: Processing input infile: $infile\n"; local $0 = "$0 - processing input file: $infile"; if ( !-f $infile ) { warn "Skipping input file $infile, file does not exist or is not a regular file"; next INFILE; } my $fh; if ( $infile =~ /[.]gz$/ ) { my @cmd = ( qw[ gunzip -c -f ], $infile ); if ( !open $fh, '-|', @cmd ) { warn "Skipping $infile: Cannot open pipe to read stdout from command '@{ [ join ' ', @cmd ] }' : $!"; next INFILE; } } else { if ( !open $fh, '<', $infile ) { warn "Skipping $infile: Cannot open $infile for reading: $!"; next INFILE; } } my $loop_count = 0; my $lasttime = $now = [ Cpanel::TimeHiRes::gettimeofday() ]; my ( $load_one, $load_five, $load_fifteen ) = Cpanel::Sys::Load::getloadavg($Cpanel::Sys::Load::ForceFloat); $load_one = sprintf( "%.01f", $load_one ); # Reduce precision on load_one to avoid divide by zero below (FPU fun) my ( $post_load_one, $post_load_five, $post_load_fifteen ); my $process_line_regex = $eximstats->{'process_line_regex'}->{'/var/log/exim/mainlog'}; while ( my $block = Cpanel::IO::read_bytes_to_end_of_line( $fh, 65_535 ) ) { foreach my $line ( grep { m{$process_line_regex}o } split( m{\n}, $block ) ) { if ( ++$loop_count % $LOOP_SIZE == 0 ) { $eximstats->commit_buffer(); ( $post_load_one, $post_load_five, $post_load_fifteen ) = Cpanel::Sys::Load::getloadavg($Cpanel::Sys::Load::ForceFloat); $lasttime = $now; $now = [ Cpanel::TimeHiRes::gettimeofday() ]; print( "($loop_count) Processed " . sprintf( '%0.2f', ( $LOOP_SIZE / ( ( ( $now->[0] - $lasttime->[0] ) + ( ( $now->[1] - $lasttime->[1] ) / 1000000 ) ) || 1 ) ) ) . " records per second\n" ); if ( $loop_count > 75000 ) { $eximstats->{'quote_cache'} = {}; } if ( $post_load_one > 1 && $post_load_one > ( $load_one * 1.1 ) ) { my $sleep_time = calculate_sleep_time( $load_one, $post_load_one ); print "Load before import: $load_one, Load after import: $post_load_one. Waiting ${sleep_time}s for load to decrease.\n"; sleep($sleep_time); # We want to sleep a bit for disk i/o to catch up. The idea here is to # prevent this process for hogging the disk and create a large wait backlog. # The goal is to still complete the optimization, however prevent the user # from having the desire to kill off import_exim_data # If we have driven up the load a bit we sleep in the end as well in order # to give the system time to return to normal before upcp proceeds to # prevent normal operations from being slowed down too much. ( $load_one, $load_five, $load_fifteen ) = Cpanel::Sys::Load::getloadavg($Cpanel::Sys::Load::ForceFloat); } } #next if $line !~ m{$process_line_regex}o; $eximstats->process_line( $line, $tailwatch_obj, $logfile, $now->[0] ); } } $eximstats->commit_buffer(); close $fh; print "Data has been imported to the database from the exim log.\n"; } return 1; } sub calculate_sleep_time { my ( $load_one, $post_load_one ) = @_; # adding .00001 to avoid dividing by 0.0 my $sleep = $load_one ? int( 60 * ( $post_load_one / ( $load_one + 0.00001 ) ) ) : 60; return $sleep > $MAX_SLEEP_TIME ? $MAX_SLEEP_TIME : $sleep; } 1;