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#!/usr/bin/perl eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' if 0; # not running under some shell =head1 NAME json_xs - JSON::XS commandline utility =head1 SYNOPSIS json_xs [-v] [-f inputformat] [-t outputformat] =head1 DESCRIPTION F<json_xs> converts between some input and output formats (one of them is JSON). The default input format is C<json> and the default output format is C<json-pretty>. =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item -v Be slightly more verbose. =item -f fromformat Read a file in the given format from STDIN. C<fromformat> can be one of: =over 4 =item json - a json text encoded, either utf-8, utf16-be/le, utf32-be/le =item cbor - CBOR (RFC 7049, L<CBOR::XS>), a kind of binary JSON =item storable - a L<Storable> frozen value =item storable-file - a L<Storable> file (Storable has two incompatible formats) =item bencode - use L<Convert::Bencode>, if available (used by torrent files, among others) =item clzf - L<Compress::LZF> format (requires that module to be installed) =item eval - evaluate the given code as (non-utf-8) Perl, basically the reverse of "-t dump" =item yaml - L<YAML> (avoid at all costs, requires the YAML module :) =item string - do not attempt to decode the file data =item none - nothing is read, creates an C<undef> scalar - mainly useful with C<-e> =back =item -t toformat Write the file in the given format to STDOUT. C<toformat> can be one of: =over 4 =item json, json-utf-8 - json, utf-8 encoded =item json-pretty - as above, but pretty-printed =item json-utf-16le, json-utf-16be - little endian/big endian utf-16 =item json-utf-32le, json-utf-32be - little endian/big endian utf-32 =item cbor - CBOR (RFC 7049, L<CBOR::XS>), a kind of binary JSON =item storable - a L<Storable> frozen value in network format =item storable-file - a L<Storable> file in network format (Storable has two incompatible formats) =item bencode - use L<Convert::Bencode>, if available (used by torrent files, among others) =item clzf - L<Compress::LZF> format =item yaml - L<YAML> =item dump - L<Data::Dump> =item dumper - L<Data::Dumper> =item string - writes the data out as if it were a string =item none - nothing gets written, mainly useful together with C<-e> Note that Data::Dumper doesn't handle self-referential data structures correctly - use "dump" instead. =back =item -e code Evaluate perl code after reading the data and before writing it out again - can be used to filter, create or extract data. The data that has been written is in C<$_>, and whatever is in there is written out afterwards. =back =head1 EXAMPLES json_xs -t none <isitreally.json "JSON Lint" - tries to parse the file F<isitreally.json> as JSON - if it is valid JSON, the command outputs nothing, otherwise it will print an error message and exit with non-zero exit status. <src.json json_xs >pretty.json Prettify the JSON file F<src.json> to F<dst.json>. json_xs -f storable-file <file Read the serialised Storable file F<file> and print a human-readable JSON version of it to STDOUT. json_xs -f storable-file -t yaml <file Same as above, but write YAML instead (not using JSON at all :) json_xs -f none -e '$_ = [1, 2, 3]' Dump the perl array as UTF-8 encoded JSON text. <torrentfile json_xs -f bencode -e '$_ = join "\n", map @$_, @{$_->{"announce-list"}}' -t string Print the tracker list inside a torrent file. lwp-request | json_xs Fetch the cpan-testers result summary C<JSON::XS> and pretty-print it. =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (C) 2008 Marc Lehmann <> =cut use strict; use Getopt::Long; use Storable (); use Encode; use JSON::XS; my $opt_verbose; my $opt_from = "json"; my $opt_to = "json-pretty"; my $opt_eval; Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling", "no_ignore_case", "require_order"); GetOptions( "v" => \$opt_verbose, "f=s" => \$opt_from, "t=s" => \$opt_to, "e=s" => \$opt_eval, ) or die "Usage: $0 [-v] -f fromformat [-e code] [-t toformat]\n"; my %F = ( "none" => sub { undef }, "string" => sub { $_ }, "json" => sub { my $enc = /^\x00\x00\x00/s ? "utf-32be" : /^\x00.\x00/s ? "utf-16be" : /^.\x00\x00\x00/s ? "utf-32le" : /^.\x00.\x00/s ? "utf-16le" : "utf-8"; warn "input text encoding is $enc\n" if $opt_verbose; JSON::XS->new->decode (decode $enc, $_) }, "cbor" => sub { require CBOR::XS; CBOR::XS::decode_cbor ($_) }, "storable" => sub { Storable::thaw $_ }, "storable-file" => sub { open my $fh, "<", \$_; Storable::fd_retrieve $fh }, "bencode" => sub { require Convert::Bencode; Convert::Bencode::bdecode ($_) }, "clzf" => sub { require Compress::LZF; Compress::LZF::sthaw ($_) }, "yaml" => sub { require YAML; YAML::Load ($_) }, "eval" => sub { my $v = eval "no strict; no warnings; no utf8;\n#line 1 \"input\"\n$_"; die "$@" if $@; $v }, ); my %T = ( "none" => sub { "" }, "string" => sub { $_ }, "json" => sub { encode_json $_ }, "json-utf-8" => sub { encode_json $_ }, "json-pretty" => sub { JSON::XS->new->utf8->pretty->encode ($_) }, "json-utf-16le" => sub { encode "utf-16le", JSON::XS->new->encode ($_) }, "json-utf-16be" => sub { encode "utf-16be", JSON::XS->new->encode ($_) }, "json-utf-32le" => sub { encode "utf-32le", JSON::XS->new->encode ($_) }, "json-utf-32be" => sub { encode "utf-32be", JSON::XS->new->encode ($_) }, "cbor" => sub { require CBOR::XS; CBOR::XS::encode_cbor ($_) }, "storable" => sub { Storable::nfreeze $_ }, "storable-file" => sub { open my $fh, ">", \my $buf; Storable::nstore_fd $_, $fh; $buf }, "bencode" => sub { require Convert::Bencode; Convert::Bencode::bencode ($_) }, "clzf" => sub { require Compress::LZF; Compress::LZF::sfreeze_cr ($_) }, "yaml" => sub { require YAML; YAML::Dump ($_) }, "dumper" => sub { require Data::Dumper; #local $Data::Dumper::Purity = 1; # hopeless case local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1; local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1; local $Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1; local $Data::Dumper::Quotekeys = 0; local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; Data::Dumper::Dumper($_) }, "dump" => sub { require Data::Dump; local $Data::Dump::TRY_BASE64 = 0; Data::Dump::dump ($_) . "\n" }, ); $F{$opt_from} or die "$opt_from: not a valid fromformat\n"; $T{$opt_to} or die "$opt_from: not a valid toformat\n"; if ($opt_from ne "none") { local $/; binmode STDIN; # stupid perl sometimes thinks its funny $_ = <STDIN>; } $_ = $F{$opt_from}->(); eval $opt_eval; die $@ if $@; $_ = $T{$opt_to}->(); binmode STDOUT; syswrite STDOUT, $_;