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#!/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl # cpanel - scripts/locale_export Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C. # All rights reserved. # # This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Param (); use Cpanel::Locale (); use Cpanel::Locale::Utils::Display (); use Cpanel::Locale::Utils::XML (); use Cpanel::SafeDir::MK (); my $prm = Getopt::Param->new( { 'no_args_help' => 1, 'help_coderef' => sub { print <<"END_USAGE"; $0 --locale={locale_tag} [--locale=… --locale=… …] [--quiet] [--export-{locale_tag}={path}] [--dumper-format] [--exclude-bracketed-strings] [--no-fallback] Export locales from the Locale database in XML format. Options: --help Show this help screen --quiet Show less output than normal. --locale={locale_tag} Specify a locale to export. You may pass the flag multiple times in order to export multiple locales. This creates files in a default location that `/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/locale_import --locale={locale_tag}` knows to use. --export-{locale_tag}={file} Save the export of the locale {locale_tag} to {file} instead of the standard place. This creates files that can be imported with `/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/locale_import --import={file}` --dumper-format Export into the old format instead of XLIFF (will force an .xml extension on any --export-XX paths) --recover Try to recover on encountering an ill-formed phrase. --exclude-bracketed-strings Exclude strings that contain bracket notion, which may cause problem on some translation platforms. --no-fallback Do not use orginial strings as fallback if no translation is available, leave target blank. The XML files that this script creates can be imported via /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/locale_import If there were problems exporting the script will exit with an error status. To examine the details of what happened do not use --quiet. END_USAGE exit; }, } ); my $verbose = $prm->get_param('quiet') ? 0 : 1; my $options = { 'recover' => ( $prm->get_param('recover') ? 1 : 0 ), 'no-brackets' => ( $prm->get_param('exclude-bracketed-strings') ? 1 : 0 ), 'no-fallback' => ( $prm->get_param('no-fallback') ? 1 : 0 ), }; my $count = 0; my $failed = 0; my $locale = Cpanel::Locale->get_handle(); my %locale_lookup; @locale_lookup{ Cpanel::Locale::Utils::Display::get_locale_list($locale) } = (); my $euid_home; foreach my $loc ( $prm->get_param('locale') ) { $count++; if ( !exists $locale_lookup{$loc} ) { print "Invalid locale\n" if $verbose; $failed++; next; } my $path = $prm->get_param('dumper-format') ? "/var/cpanel/locale/export/$loc.xml" : "/var/cpanel/locale/export/$loc.xlf"; if ( $prm->get_param("export-$loc") ) { $path = $prm->get_param("export-$loc"); $path =~ s/\.[^.]+$//; # strip any existing extension … if ( $prm->get_param('dumper-format') ) { $path .= '.xml'; # … replace it w/ .xml } else { $path .= '.xlf'; # … replace it w/ .xlf } } # expand ~/ that was treated as a string and not expanded by the shell before being put in @ARGV if ( substr( $path, 0, 2 ) eq '~/' ) { $euid_home ||= ( getpwuid($>) )[7]; # only look it up if needed, and only look it up one time substr( $path, 0, 2, "$euid_home/" ); } my ( $head, @dir ) = reverse( split( /\//, $path ) ); my $dir = join( '/', reverse(@dir) ); if ( $dir && !-d $dir ) { if ( !Cpanel::SafeDir::MK::safemkdir($dir) ) { print "Could not create path '$dir': $!\n" if $verbose; $failed++; next; } } if ( -e $path ) { print "Replacing existing export file '$path'\n" if $verbose; unlink($path); if ( -e $path ) { print "Could not unlink '$path': $!\n" if $verbose; $failed++; next; } } my $error = ''; if ( Cpanel::Locale::Utils::XML::locale_to_xml( $path, $loc, \$error, $options ) ) { print "$error'$loc' has been exported to '$path'.\n" if $verbose; } else { print "Failed to create XML file for locale '$loc': $error\n" if $verbose; $failed++; next; } } if ( !$count || $failed ) { if ($verbose) { if ($failed) { print "$failed out of $count failed to export.\n"; } elsif ( !$count ) { print "No locales to export.\n"; } } exit 1; }