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#!/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl # cpanel - scripts/notify_expiring_certificates Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C. # All rights reserved. # # This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited package scripts::notify_expiring_certificates; use strict; use warnings; =encoding utf-8 =head1 USAGE notify_expiring_certificates [ --help ] =head1 DESCRIPTION This script checks for expiring SSL certificates and sends notifications to user and admin for certificates that are about to expire or have already expired. This script does nothing if C<notify_expiring_certificates> is disabled in Tweak Settings. =cut use parent qw( Cpanel::HelpfulScript ); use Cpanel::Time::ISO (); use Cpanel::Update::Recent (); use Cpanel::Apache::TLS::Index (); use Cpanel::Apache::TLS (); use Cpanel::SSL::Objects::Certificate::File (); use Cpanel::SSL::Auto::Config::Read (); use Cpanel::SSL::Notify (); use Cpanel::Transaction::File::JSON (); use Cpanel::Config::LoadCpConf (); use Cpanel::AcctUtils::DomainOwner::Tiny (); use Cpanel::AcctUtils::Suspended (); use Cpanel::Features::Check (); use Cpanel::Domain::Owner (); use Cpanel::LinkedNode::AccountCache (); use Cpanel::PromiseUtils (); use Try::Tiny; our $LAST_NOTIFY_RUN_FILE = '/var/cpanel/ssl/notify_expiring_certificates.json'; use constant DAY_IN_SECONDS => 86400; use constant _OPTIONS => (); run(@ARGV) if !caller; sub run { my (@args) = @_; return 1 if $ENV{'CPANEL_BASE_INSTALL'}; #Instantiate this to process --help and other args. my $self = __PACKAGE__->new(@args); return 0 unless Cpanel::Config::LoadCpConf::loadcpconf_not_copy()->{'notify_expiring_certificates'}; return $self->script(); } sub _time { return time(); } # for tests sub script { my ($self) = @_; # This is a no-op if there are no certificates installed. return if !@{ [ Cpanel::Apache::TLS->get_tls_vhosts() ] }; Cpanel::AcctUtils::DomainOwner::Tiny::build_domain_cache() if !$Cpanel::AcctUtils::DomainOwner::Tiny::CACHE_IS_SET; my $atls_idx = Cpanel::Apache::TLS::Index->new(); my $all_records_ar = $atls_idx->get_all_ar(); my $now = _time(); # make sure all the notification checks are for the same time my $trans = Cpanel::Transaction::File::JSON->new( path => $LAST_NOTIFY_RUN_FILE ); my $last_run_data = $trans->get_data(); if ( ref $last_run_data ne 'HASH' ) { $trans->set_data( {} ); $last_run_data = $trans->get_data(); } $last_run_data->{'notify_history_by_uniq_key'} ||= {}; $last_run_data->{'last_notified_time'} = $now; my $notify_history_by_uniq_id_hr = $last_run_data->{'notify_history_by_uniq_key'}; _delete_notify_history_for_uniq_keys_that_no_longer_exist( $notify_history_by_uniq_id_hr, $all_records_ar ); _notify_and_remember_for_each_vhost_if_needed( $now, $notify_history_by_uniq_id_hr, $all_records_ar ); $trans->save_and_close_or_die(); return 1; } # We need a uniq key for each entry to track if # we have sent a notification for each interval # that we can delete when the cert or vhost # is changed/removed. sub _get_uniq_key_for_atls_entry { my ($entry) = @_; return join( '|', $entry->{'vhost_name'}, $entry->{'certificate_id'} ); } sub _delete_notify_history_for_uniq_keys_that_no_longer_exist { my ( $notify_history_by_uniq_id_hr, $all_records_ar ) = @_; my %current_uniq_keys = map { _get_uniq_key_for_atls_entry($_) => 1 } @$all_records_ar; my @uniq_keys_that_no_longer_exist = grep { !$current_uniq_keys{$_} } keys %{$notify_history_by_uniq_id_hr}; delete @{$notify_history_by_uniq_id_hr}{@uniq_keys_that_no_longer_exist}; return 1; } sub _get_child_accounts_cache_sync { my $p = Cpanel::LinkedNode::AccountCache->new_p(); return Cpanel::PromiseUtils::wait_anyevent($p)->get(); } sub _notify_and_remember_for_each_vhost_if_needed { my ( $now, $notify_history_by_uniq_id_hr, $all_records_ar ) = @_; my $autossl_is_on = !!Cpanel::SSL::Auto::Config::Read->new()->get_provider(); my $child_acct_lookup_hr = _get_child_accounts_cache_sync(); my $user_type_alias_hr = $child_acct_lookup_hr->get_all_child_workloads(); my $installed_autossl_providers = $autossl_is_on && do { require Cpanel::SSL::Auto::Providers; Cpanel::SSL::Auto::Providers->new(); }; my %_memorized_user_is_suspended; my %_memorized_user_has_autossl_feature; foreach my $crt (@$all_records_ar) { my ( $user, $err ); try { $user = Cpanel::Domain::Owner::get_owner_or_die( $crt->{'vhost_name'} ) } catch { $err = $_; }; if ($err) { warn "Failed to process “$crt->{'vhost_name'}”: $err"; next; } elsif ( $user_type_alias_hr->{$user} ) { next; } elsif ( $_memorized_user_is_suspended{$user} //= Cpanel::AcctUtils::Suspended::is_suspended($user) ) { next; } my $user_has_autossl_feature = $_memorized_user_has_autossl_feature{$user} //= Cpanel::Features::Check::check_feature_for_user( $user, 'autossl' ); try { my $cert_obj = Cpanel::SSL::Objects::Certificate::File->new( path => Cpanel::Apache::TLS->get_certificates_path( $crt->{'vhost_name'} ) ); #If AutoSSL provides the certificate, then: # - If AutoSSL is off: process the cert as a normal cert # - Otherwise, let AutoSSL do notifications. my $auto_ssl_provider_obj = $autossl_is_on && $user_has_autossl_feature && $installed_autossl_providers->get_provider_object_for_certificate_object($cert_obj); if ( !$auto_ssl_provider_obj ) { if ( !$cert_obj->is_self_signed() ) { # no notification for self signed my $not_after_time_unix = Cpanel::Time::ISO::iso2unix( $crt->{'not_after'} ); my $seconds_until_expired = $not_after_time_unix - $now; my $uniq_key = _get_uniq_key_for_atls_entry($crt); my $notify_history_hr = $notify_history_by_uniq_id_hr->{$uniq_key} ||= {}; my $notification_interval_to_send = Cpanel::SSL::Notify::get_next_notification_level_to_send_for_local( $seconds_until_expired, keys %$notify_history_hr, ); if ( defined $notification_interval_to_send ) { # We do not send notifications for the first 10 days # since they won't have notification history if ( !Cpanel::Update::Recent::installed_with_last_days() ) { try { _notify_certificate_expiring( 'vhost_name' => $crt->{'vhost_name'}, 'user' => $user, 'type' => 'SSL::CertificateExpiring', ); } catch { warn "Failed to send notification for $crt->{'vhost_name'}: $_"; }; } # Mark the notification interval as sent so we # do not send again for that interval $notify_history_hr->{$notification_interval_to_send} = $now; } } } } catch { warn "Failed to process “$crt->{'vhost_name'}”: $_"; }; } return; } sub _notify_certificate_expiring { my (%opts) = @_; my ( $type, $vhost_name, $user ) = # @opts{ 'type', 'vhost_name', 'user' }; require Cpanel::Notify::Deferred; require Cpanel::IP::Remote; foreach my $target (qw(admin user)) { if ( $target eq 'user' ) { require Cpanel::ContactInfo; my $cinfo = Cpanel::ContactInfo::get_contactinfo_for_user($user); next if !$cinfo->{'notify_ssl_expiry'}; } #Have queueprocd do it so that we don’t create kazoodles of #notification processes which cripple lower-powered servers. Cpanel::Notify::Deferred::notify( 'class' => $type, 'application' => $type, 'constructor_args' => [ _get_icontact_args_for_target( $target, $user ), vhost_name => $vhost_name, origin => 'notify_expiring_certificates', source_ip_address => Cpanel::IP::Remote::get_current_remote_ip(), ] ); } return; } sub _get_icontact_args_for_target { my ( $target, $user ) = @_; if ( $target eq 'user' ) { return ( user => $user, username => $user, to => $user, notification_targets_user_account => 1, ); } return ( username => $user, ); } 1;