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package DADA::Config; use v5.10.1; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # This file holds default values for the global configuration variables # in Dada Mail. See: # # # # for more information. # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# require Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); use vars qw($PROGRAM_ROOT_PASSWORD $MAILPROG $DIR $FILES $PROGRAM_URL $S_PROGRAM_URL $RUNNING_UNDER $ADDITIONAL_PERLLIBS $PLUGIN_CONFIGS $PLUGINS_ENABLED $MAIL_SETTINGS $MASS_MAIL_SETTINGS $LIST_TYPES $AMAZON_SES_OPTIONS $MAILGUN_OPTIONS $WWW_ENGINE_OPTIONS $FIRST_SUB $SEC_SUB @C $SALT $ENABLE_CSRF_PROTECTION $FILE_CHMOD $DIR_CHMOD $GIVE_PROPS_IN_EMAIL $GIVE_PROPS_IN_HTML $GIVE_PROPS_IN_ADMIN $GIVE_PROPS_IN_SUBSCRIBE_FORM $PROGRAM_IMG_FILENAME $SUBSCRIBED_MESSAGE $ARCHIVES $TEMPLATES $ALTERNATIVE_HTML_TEMPLATE_PATH $TMP $LOGS $BACKUPS %BACKUP_HISTORY $ENFORCE_CLOSED_LOOP_OPT_IN $SUPPORT_FILES $WYSIWYG_EDITOR_OPTIONS $FILE_BROWSER_OPTIONS $SCHEDULED_JOBS_OPTIONS $SCREEN_CACHE $DATA_CACHE $GLOBAL_BLACK_LIST $GLOBAL_UNSUBSCRIBE $HIDDEN_SUBSCRIBER_FIELDS_PREFIX @PING_URLS $CONFIRMATION_TOKEN_OPTIONS $SUBSCRIPTION_SUCCESSFUL_COPY $PIN_WORD $PIN_NUM $TEXT_CSV_PARAMS $ALLOW_ROOT_LOGIN @CHARSETS @CONTENT_TYPES %LIST_SETUP_DEFAULTS %LIST_SETUP_INCLUDE %LIST_SETUP_OVERRIDES @LIST_SETUP_DONT_CLONE %PRIORITIES $ATTACHMENT_TEMPFILE $MAIL_VERP_SEPARATOR %MIME_TYPES $DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE $MIME_PARANOID $MIME_HUSH $MIME_OPTIMIZE $MIME_TOOLS_PARAMS $NPH $PROGRAM_USAGE_LOG $ROOT_PASS_IS_ENCRYPTED $SHOW_ADMIN_LINK $LIST_PASSWORD_RESET $ADMIN_FLAVOR_NAME $SIGN_IN_FLAVOR_NAME $DISABLE_OUTSIDE_LOGINS %LOG $DEBUG_TRACE %CPAN_DEBUG_SETTINGS $ADMIN_MENU $EMAIL_CASE @EMAIL_EXCEPTIONS $LIST_IN_ORDER $ADMIN_TEMPLATE $USER_TEMPLATE $BACKEND_DB_TYPE $SUBSCRIBER_DB_TYPE $ARCHIVE_DB_TYPE $SETTINGS_DB_TYPE $SESSION_DB_TYPE $BOUNCE_SCORECARD_DB_TYPE $CLICKTHROUGH_DB_TYPE %SQL_PARAMS $DBI_PARAMS $PROFILE_OPTIONS $PII_OPTIONS $GLOBAL_API_OPTIONS $PLUGIN_RUNMODES $PROGRAM_ERROR_LOG $SHOW_HELP_LINKS $HELP_LINKS_URL $VER $VERSION $PROGRAM_NAME @CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODINGS $CONFIG_FILE $PROGRAM_CONFIG_FILE_DIR $OS $DEFAULT_ADMIN_SCREEN $DEFAULT_LOGOUT_SCREEN $DEFAULT_SCREEN $HTML_CHARSET $SEND_ARCHIVED_MESSAGE $CAPTCHA_TYPE $GOOGLE_MAPS_PARAMS $RECAPTCHA_PARAMS $RECAPTHCA_MAILHIDE_PARAMS $LOGIN_COOKIE_NAME %COOKIE_PARAMS $CP_SESSION_PARAMS $GOOGLE_MAPS_API_PARAMS $RATE_LIMITING $HTML_TEXTTOHTML_OPTIONS $HTML_SCRUBBER_OPTIONS $TEMPLATE_SETTINGS $TEMPLATE_OPTIONS $LOGIN_WIDGET $NULL_DEVICE $LIST_QUOTA $SUBSCRIPTION_QUOTA $MAILOUT_AT_ONCE_LIMIT $MAILOUT_STALE_AFTER %EMAIL_HEADERS @EMAIL_HEADERS_ORDER $LIST_HEADERS); @EXPORT_OK = qw($PROGRAM_ROOT_PASSWORD $MAILPROG $DIR $FILES $PROGRAM_URL $S_PROGRAM_URL $RUNNING_UNDER $ADDITIONAL_PERLLIBS $PLUGIN_CONFIGS $PLUGINS_ENABLED $MAIL_SETTINGS $MASS_MAIL_SETTINGS $LIST_TYPES $AMAZON_SES_OPTIONS $MAILGUN_OPTIONS $WWW_ENGINE_OPTIONS $FIRST_SUB $SEC_SUB @C $SALT $ENABLE_CSRF_PROTECTION $FILE_CHMOD $DIR_CHMOD $GIVE_PROPS_IN_EMAIL $GIVE_PROPS_IN_HTML $GIVE_PROPS_IN_ADMIN $GIVE_PROPS_IN_SUBSCRIBE_FORM $PROGRAM_IMG_FILENAME $SUBSCRIBED_MESSAGE $ARCHIVES $TEMPLATES $ALTERNATIVE_HTML_TEMPLATE_PATH $TMP $LOGS $BACKUPS %BACKUP_HISTORY $ENFORCE_CLOSED_LOOP_OPT_IN $SUPPORT_FILES $WYSIWYG_EDITOR_OPTIONS $FILE_BROWSER_OPTIONS $SCHEDULED_JOBS_OPTIONS $SCREEN_CACHE $DATA_CACHE $GLOBAL_BLACK_LIST $GLOBAL_UNSUBSCRIBE $HIDDEN_SUBSCRIBER_FIELDS_PREFIX @PING_URLS $CONFIRMATION_TOKEN_OPTIONS $SUBSCRIPTION_SUCCESSFUL_COPY $PIN_WORD $PIN_NUM $TEXT_CSV_PARAMS $ALLOW_ROOT_LOGIN @CHARSETS @CONTENT_TYPES %LIST_SETUP_DEFAULTS %LIST_SETUP_INCLUDE %LIST_SETUP_OVERRIDES @LIST_SETUP_DONT_CLONE %PRIORITIES $ATTACHMENT_TEMPFILE $MAIL_VERP_SEPARATOR %MIME_TYPES $DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE $MIME_PARANOID $MIME_HUSH $MIME_OPTIMIZE $MIME_TOOLS_PARAMS $NPH $PROGRAM_USAGE_LOG $ROOT_PASS_IS_ENCRYPTED $SHOW_ADMIN_LINK $LIST_PASSWORD_RESET $ADMIN_FLAVOR_NAME $SIGN_IN_FLAVOR_NAME $DISABLE_OUTSIDE_LOGINS %LOG $DEBUG_TRACE %CPAN_DEBUG_SETTINGS $ADMIN_MENU $EMAIL_CASE @EMAIL_EXCEPTIONS $LIST_IN_ORDER $ADMIN_TEMPLATE $USER_TEMPLATE $BACKEND_DB_TYPE $SUBSCRIBER_DB_TYPE $ARCHIVE_DB_TYPE $SETTINGS_DB_TYPE $SESSION_DB_TYPE $BOUNCE_SCORECARD_DB_TYPE $CLICKTHROUGH_DB_TYPE %SQL_PARAMS $DBI_PARAMS $PROFILE_OPTIONS $PII_OPTIONS $GLOBAL_API_OPTIONS $PLUGIN_RUNMODES $PROGRAM_ERROR_LOG $SHOW_HELP_LINKS $HELP_LINKS_URL $VER $VERSION $PROGRAM_NAME @CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODINGS $CONFIG_FILE $PROGRAM_CONFIG_FILE_DIR $OS $DEFAULT_ADMIN_SCREEN $DEFAULT_LOGOUT_SCREEN $DEFAULT_SCREEN $HTML_CHARSET $SEND_ARCHIVED_MESSAGE $CAPTCHA_TYPE $GOOGLE_MAPS_PARAMS $RECAPTCHA_PARAMS $RECAPTHCA_MAILHIDE_PARAMS $LOGIN_COOKIE_NAME %COOKIE_PARAMS $CP_SESSION_PARAMS GOOGLE_MAPS_API_PARAMS $RATE_LIMITING $HTML_TEXTTOHTML_OPTIONS $HTML_SCRUBBER_OPTIONS $TEMPLATE_SETTINGS $TEMPLATE_OPTIONS $LOGIN_WIDGET $NULL_DEVICE $LIST_QUOTA $SUBSCRIPTION_QUOTA $MAILOUT_AT_ONCE_LIMIT $MAILOUT_STALE_AFTER %EMAIL_HEADERS @EMAIL_HEADERS_ORDER $LIST_HEADERS); # # # # $PROGRAM_CONFIG_FILE_DIR = '[[softdatadir]]/.dada_files/.configs'; # # # # # #--------------------------------# # Leave the below line, alone! _config_import(); # Leave alone! # Leave the above line, alone! #--------------------------------# BEGIN { # # # # # $PROGRAM_ERROR_LOG = '[[softdatadir]]/.dada_files/.logs/errors.txt'; # # # # # # Keep this next bit as-is; it's just opening the error file for writing. if ( $PROGRAM_ERROR_LOG && (!$ENV{NO_DADA_MAIL_CONFIG_IMPORT}) ) { open( STDERR, ">>$PROGRAM_ERROR_LOG" ) || warn "$PROGRAM_NAME Error: Cannot redirect STDERR, it's possible that Dada Mail does not have write permissions to this file ($PROGRAM_ERROR_LOG) or it doesn't exist! If Dada Mail cannot make this file for you, create it yourself and give it enough permissions so it may write to it: $!"; } # chmod(0777, $PROGRAM_ERROR_LOG); } $PROGRAM_ROOT_PASSWORD //= 'root_password'; $ROOT_PASS_IS_ENCRYPTED //= 0; ($DIR) //= $PROGRAM_CONFIG_FILE_DIR =~ m/^(.*?)\/\.configs$/; $ARCHIVES //= $DIR . '/.archives'; $BACKUPS //= $DIR . '/.backups'; $FILES //= $DIR . '/.lists'; $LOGS //= $DIR . '/.logs'; $PROGRAM_USAGE_LOG //= $LOGS . '/dada.txt'; $TEMPLATES //= $DIR . '/.templates'; $TMP //= $DIR . '/.tmp'; $PROGRAM_URL //= ''; $S_PROGRAM_URL //= $PROGRAM_URL; $RUNNING_UNDER //= 'CGI'; $ADDITIONAL_PERLLIBS //= [qw()]; $SUPPORT_FILES //= { dir => '', url => '', }; $WYSIWYG_EDITOR_OPTIONS //= { ckeditor => { enabled => 0, url => '', }, tiny_mce => { enabled => 0, url => '', }, }; $FILE_BROWSER_OPTIONS //= { rich_filemanager => { enabled => 0, url => '', upload_dir => '', upload_url => '', connector => 'php', session_name => 'PHPSESSID', session_dir => '', }, core5_filemanager => { enabled => 0, url => '', upload_dir => '', upload_url => '', connector => '', }, none => { enabled => 1, } }; $SCHEDULED_JOBS_OPTIONS //= { # enabled => 1, scheduled_jobs_flavor => '_schedules', log => 0, run_at_teardown => 1, }; $BACKEND_DB_TYPE //= 'SQL'; $SUBSCRIBER_DB_TYPE //= 'SQL'; $ARCHIVE_DB_TYPE //= 'SQL'; $SETTINGS_DB_TYPE //= 'SQL'; $SESSION_DB_TYPE = undef; #noop $BOUNCE_SCORECARD_DB_TYPE //= 'SQL'; $CLICKTHROUGH_DB_TYPE //= 'SQL'; %SQL_PARAMS = ( # May just be, "localhost" dbserver => 'localhost', database => '', # MySQL: 3306 # PostgreSQL: 5432 port => '3306', # MySQL: mysql # PostgreSQL: Pg # SQLite: SQLite dbtype => 'mysql', user => '', pass => '', ) unless keys %SQL_PARAMS; $DBI_PARAMS //= { InactiveDestroy => 0, pg_server_prepare => 0, mysql_auto_reconnect => 1, # this only works if you have autocommit => 1 ? (or is it, AutoCommit) # This would probably be fine, since we don't commit, anyways, but # will be problematic, if we ever put in transaction support. Hmm... # But wait, there's more : #TRANSACTION SUPPORT ^ # #Beginning with DBD::mysql 2.0416, transactions are supported. The transaction support works as follows: # # * By default AutoCommit mode is on, following the DBI specifications. dada_connection_method => 'connect_cached', # UTF-8 # MySQL specific attribute: # mysql_enable_utf8 => 1, # # You will also need to ensure that your database / table / column is # configured to use UTF8. See Chapter 10 of the mysql manual for details. # DBD::Pg specific attribute. If true, then the utf8 flag will be turned on # for returned character data (if the data is valid UTF-8). For details # about the utf8 flag, see the Encode module. This attribute is only # relevant under perl 5.8 and later. # pg_enable_utf8 => 1, # SQLite # If set to a true value, DBD::SQLite will turn the UTF-8 flag on for all # text strings coming out of the database (this feature is currently # disabled for perl < 5.8.5). For more details on the UTF-8 flag see # perlunicode. The default is for the UTF-8 flag to be turned off. # sqlite_unicode => 1, AutoInactiveDestroy => 1, }; $PROFILE_OPTIONS //= { enabled => 1, profile_email => '', enable_captcha => 1, update_email_options => { send_notification_to_profile_email => 0, subscription_check_skip => 'auto', }, gravatar_options => { enable_gravators => 1, default_gravatar_url => undef, }, features => { register => 0, password_reset => 1, profile_fields => 0, mailing_list_subscriptions => 1, protected_directories => 0, update_email_address => 0, change_password => 1, delete_profile => 0, }, cookie_params => { -name => 'dada_profile', -path => '/', -expires => '+1y', -SameSite => 'Lax', }, }; $PII_OPTIONS //= { allow_logging_emails_in_analytics => 0, ip_address_logging_style => 'anonymized', }; $GLOBAL_API_OPTIONS //= { enabled => 0, public_key => undef, private_key => undef, }; $PLUGIN_RUNMODES //= { boilerplate_plugin => {run => \&boilerplate_plugin::run}, tracker => {run => \&tracker::run}, bounce_handler => {run => \&bounce_handler::run, sched_run => \&bounce_handler::scheduled_task}, bridge => {run => \&bridge::run, sched_run => \&bridge::scheduled_task}, change_root_password => {run => \&change_root_password::run}, change_list_shortname => {run => \&change_list_shortname::run}, password_protect_directories => {run => \&password_protect_directories::run, sched_run => \&password_protect_directories::scheduled_task}, log_viewer => {run => \&log_viewer::run}, screen_cache => {run => \&screen_cache::run}, global_config => {run => \&global_config::run}, view_list_settings => {run => \&view_list_settings::run}, usage_log_to_consent_activity => {run => \&usage_log_to_consent_activity::run}, }; $PLUGINS_ENABLED //= { boilerplate_plugin => 0, tracker => 0, bounce_handler => 0, bridge => 0, change_root_password => 0, change_list_shortname => 0, password_protect_directories => 0, log_viewer => 0, screen_cache => 0, global_config => 0, view_list_settings => 0, usage_log_to_consent_activity => 0, }; $PLUGIN_CONFIGS //= { Bounce_Handler => { Server => undef, Address => undef, Username => undef, Password => undef, Port => undef, USESSL => undef, starttls => undef, SSL_verify_mode => undef, AUTH_MODE => undef, Plugin_Name => undef, Plugin_URL => undef, Allow_Manual_Run => undef, Manual_Run_Passcode => undef, Enable_POP3_File_Locking => undef, Log => undef, MessagesAtOnce => undef, Max_Size_Of_Any_Message => undef, Rules => undef, }, Bridge => { Plugin_Name => undef, Plugin_URL => undef, Allow_Manual_Run => undef, Manual_Run_Passcode => undef, MessagesAtOnce => undef, Room_For_One_More_Check => undef, Enable_POP3_File_Locking => undef, Check_List_Owner_Return_Path_Header => undef, Check_Multiple_Return_Path_Headers => undef, }, Tracker => { Plugin_Name => undef, Plugin_URL => undef, Geo_IP_Db => undef, }, Mailing_Monitor => { Plugin_Name => undef, Plugin_URL => undef, Allow_Manual_Run => undef, Manual_Run_Passcode => undef, }, log_viewer => { Plugin_URL => undef, tail_command => undef, }, default_mass_mailing_messages => { Plugin_Name => undef, Plugin_URL => undef, }, password_protect_directories => { Plugin_Name => undef, Plugin_URL => undef, Allow_Manual_Run => undef, Manual_Run_Passcode => undef, Base_Absolute_Path => undef, Base_URL => undef, }, blog_index => { Default_List => undef, Entries => undef, Style => undef, Allow_QS_Overrides => undef, }, multiple_subscribe => { Plugin_Name => undef, Plugin_URL => undef, }, Global_Config => { Plugin_Name => undef, }, }; $MAILPROG //= '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; $MAIL_SETTINGS //= "|$MAILPROG -t"; $MASS_MAIL_SETTINGS //= "|$MAILPROG -t"; $LIST_TYPES //= { list => 'Subscribers', black_list => 'Black Listed', white_list => 'White Listed', authorized_senders => 'Authorized Senders', moderators => 'Moderators', requires_moderation => 'Requires Moderation', sub_request_list => 'Subscription Requests', unsub_request_list => 'Unsubscription Requests', bounced_list => 'Bouncing Addresses', ignore_bounces_list => 'Ignore Bounces', sub_confirm_list => 'Unconfirmed Subscribers', unsub_confirm_list => 'Unconfirmed Removals', invite_list => 'Invitees', invited_list => 'Invited', test_list => 'Testers', }; $AMAZON_SES_OPTIONS //= { AWS_endpoint => undef, AWSAccessKeyId => undef, AWSSecretKey => undef, Allowed_Sending_Quota_Percentage => 90, }; $MAILGUN_OPTIONS //= { region => 'us', api_key => undef, domain => undef, }; $MANDRILL_OPTIONS = undef; $WWW_ENGINE_OPTIONS //= { engine => 'LWP', # curl user_agent => 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; ' . $PROGRAM_NAME . ')', # 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:94.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/94.0' verify_hostname => 1, }; $SHOW_ADMIN_LINK //= 1; $LIST_PASSWORD_RESET //= 1; $ADMIN_FLAVOR_NAME //= 'admin'; $SIGN_IN_FLAVOR_NAME //= 'sign_in'; $DEFAULT_SCREEN //= ''; $DEFAULT_ADMIN_SCREEN //= $S_PROGRAM_URL . '?flavor=drafts'; $DEFAULT_LOGOUT_SCREEN //= $S_PROGRAM_URL . '?flavor=' . $ADMIN_FLAVOR_NAME . '&logged_out=1'; $DISABLE_OUTSIDE_LOGINS //= 1; $LOGIN_WIDGET //= 'popup_menu'; $ALLOW_ROOT_LOGIN //= 1; $LOGIN_COOKIE_NAME //= 'dadalogin'; %COOKIE_PARAMS = ( -path => '/', -expires => '+7d', -samesite => 'Lax', ) unless keys %COOKIE_PARAMS; $CP_SESSION_PARAMS //= { check_matching_ip_addresses => 1, }; $RATE_LIMITING //= { enabled => 1, max_hits => 10, timeframe => 5, }; $GOOGLE_MAPS_API_PARAMS //= { api_key => '', }; $CAPTCHA_TYPE = undef; # noop # $RECAPTCHA_PARAMS //= { recaptcha_type => 'v2', on_subscribe_form => 1, v2 => { public_key => undef, private_key => undef, }, v3 => { public_key => undef, private_key => undef, hide_badge => 1, }, }; # NOOP $RECAPTHCA_MAILHIDE_PARAMS //= {}; $SHOW_HELP_LINKS //= 1; $HELP_LINKS_URL //= ''; $NPH //= 0; %LOG = ( subscriptions => 0, mailings => 0, mass_mailings => 1, mass_mailing_batches => 1, logins => 1, list_lives => 1, ) unless keys %LOG; $DEBUG_TRACE //= { DADA_App_BounceHandler => 0, DADA_App_DBIHandle => 0, DADA_App_Digests => 0, DADA_App_FormatMessages => 0, DADA_App_HTMLtoMIMEMessage => 0, DADA_App_Subscriptions => 0, DADA_App_WebServices => 0, DADA_Template_HTML => 0, DADA_Logging_Clickthrough => 0, DADA_Mail_MailOut => 0, DADA_Mail_Send => 0, DADA_MailingList => 0, DADA_MailingList_Archives => 0, DADA_MailingList_MessageDrafts => 0, DADA_MailingList_Settings => 0, DADA_Profile => 0, DADA_Profile_Fields => 0, DADA_Profile_Session => 0, }; %CPAN_DEBUG_SETTINGS = ( # DBI, handles all SQL database calls. # More Information: # # As noted in these docs, you can set the trace level as far 15 DBI => 0, # HTML::Template, used for generating HTML screens # More information: # HTML_TEMPLATE => 0, # Net::POP3, used for checking awaiting messages on a POP3 Server # More Information: # NET_POP3 => 0, # Net::SMTP, used for sending messages via SMTP: # more information: # NET_SMTP => 0, ) unless keys %CPAN_DEBUG_SETTINGS; $ADMIN_TEMPLATE = undef; #noop $USER_TEMPLATE = undef; #noop $ALTERNATIVE_HTML_TEMPLATE_PATH //= undef; $TEMPLATE_SETTINGS //= { engine => 'Best', }; $TEMPLATE_OPTIONS //= { user => { enabled => 0, mode => undef, manual_options => { template_url => undef, }, magic_options => { template_url => undef, add_base_href => 0, base_href_url => undef, replace_content_from => undef, replace_id => undef, replace_class => undef, add_app_css => 0, add_custom_css => 0, custom_css_url => undef, include_jquery_lib => 1, include_app_user_js => 1, head_content_added_by => 'push', } }, }; # Mostly a noop these days... %BACKUP_HISTORY = ( settings => 3, archives => 3, schedules => 3, ) unless keys %BACKUP_HISTORY; $ENFORCE_CLOSED_LOOP_OPT_IN //= 0; $GLOBAL_BLACK_LIST //= 0; $GLOBAL_UNSUBSCRIBE //= 0; $HIDDEN_SUBSCRIBER_FIELDS_PREFIX //= '_'; $SCREEN_CACHE //= 1; $DATA_CACHE //= 1; @PING_URLS = qw( ) unless scalar @PING_URLS; $CONFIRMATION_TOKEN_OPTIONS //= { expires => 60, }; # If you do put the $ADMIN_MENU variable in the outside config file, # make sure to also! put the below line (uncommented): # # $S_PROGRAM_URL = $PROGRAM_URL # # Before the $ADMIN_URL variable, as well as the below 5 lines of code: $S_PROGRAM_URL = $PROGRAM_URL; my $EXT_URL = $S_PROGRAM_URL; $EXT_URL =~ s/\/(\w+)\.(cgi|pl)$/\//; $EXT_URL .= 'extensions'; $ADMIN_MENU //= [ {-Title => 'Mass Mailing', -Activated => 1, -Submenu => [ { -Title => 'All Drafts/Stationery/Schedules', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=drafts", -Function => 'drafts', -Activated => 1, }, { -Title => '+ New Draft Message', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=send_email&draft_role=draft", -Function => 'send_email', -Activated => 1, }, { -Title => 'Monitor', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=sending_monitor", -Function => 'sending_monitor', -Activated => 1, }, { -Title => 'Options', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=mass_mailing_options", -Function => 'mass_mailing_options', -Activated => 1, }, ] }, {-Title => 'Mailing List', -Activated => 1, -Submenu => [ { -Title => 'List Information', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=change_info", -Function => 'change_info', -Activated => 1, }, { -Title => 'Privacy Policy', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=manage_privacy_policy", -Function => 'manage_privacy_policy', -Activated => 0, }, { -Title => 'List Consents', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=manage_list_consent", -Function => 'manage_list_consent', -Activated => 0, }, { -Title => 'List Password', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=change_password", -Function => 'change_password', -Activated => 1, }, { -Title => 'Options', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=list_options", -Function => 'list_options', -Activated => 1, }, { -Title => 'Web Services API', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=web_services", -Function => 'web_services', -Activated => 1, }, { -Title => 'Delete This Mailing List', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=delete_list", -Function => 'delete_list', -Activated => 0, }, ] }, {-Title => 'Membership', -Activated => 1, -Submenu => [ { -Title => 'View', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=view_list", -Function => 'view_list', -Activated => 1, }, { -Title => 'Recent Activity', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=list_activity", -Function => 'list_activity', -Activated => 1, }, { -Title => 'Invite<!-- tmpl_var LT_CHAR -->!-- tmpl_if list_settings.enable_mass_subscribe --<!-- tmpl_var GT_CHAR -->/Subscribe<!-- tmpl_var LT_CHAR -->!-- /tmpl_if --<!-- tmpl_var GT_CHAR -->/Add', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=add", -Function => 'add', -Activated => 1, }, { -Title => 'Remove', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=delete_email", -Function => 'delete_email', -Activated => 1, }, { -Title => 'Options', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=subscription_options", -Function => 'subscription_options', -Activated => 0, }, ] }, { -Title => 'Sending', -Activated => 1, -Submenu => [ { -Title => 'Options', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=mail_sending_options", -Function => 'mail_sending_options', -Activated => 1, }, { -Title => 'Advanced Options', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=mail_sending_advanced_options", -Function => 'mail_sending_advanced_options', -Activated => 1, }, { -Title => 'Mass Mailing Options', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=mailing_sending_mass_mailing_options", -Function => 'mailing_sending_mass_mailing_options', -Activated => 1, }, ] }, {-Title => 'Archives', -Activated => 1, -Submenu => [ { -Title => 'View', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=view_archive", -Function => 'view_archive', -Activated => 1, }, { -Title => 'Options', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=archive_options", -Function => 'archive_options', -Activated => 1, }, { -Title => 'Advanced Options', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=adv_archive_options", -Function => 'adv_archive_options', -Activated => 1, }, ] }, {-Title => 'Appearance', -Activated => 1, -Submenu => [ { -Title => 'Your Mailing List Template', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=edit_template", -Function => 'edit_template', -Activated => 1, }, { -Title => 'Email Themes', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=email_themes", -Function => 'email_themes', -Activated => 1, }, { -Title => 'Custom Mass Mailing Layout', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=edit_type", -Function => 'edit_type', -Activated => 1, }, { -Title => 'HTML Screen Templates', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=edit_html_type", -Function => 'edit_html_type', -Activated => 1, }, { -Title => 'Subscription Form HTML', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=html_code", -Function => 'html_code', -Activated => 1, }, { -Title => 'Create a Back Link', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=back_link", -Function => 'back_link', -Activated => 1, }, ] }, { -Title => 'Profiles', -Activated => 1, -Submenu => [ { -Title => 'Profile Fields', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=profile_fields", -Function => 'profile_fields', -Activated => 1, }, ] }, { -Title => 'Plugins/Extensions', -Activated => 1, -Submenu => [ # # These are plugins. Make sure you install them # # if you want to use them! # { # -Title => 'Tracker', # -Title_URL => $S_PROGRAM_URL."/plugins/tracker", # -Function => 'tracker', # -Activated => 1, # }, # { # -Title => 'Bounce Handler', # -Title_URL => $S_PROGRAM_URL."/plugins/bounce_handler", # -Function => 'bounce_handler', # -Activated => 1, # }, # { # -Title => 'Bridge', # -Title_URL => $S_PROGRAM_URL."/plugins/bridge", # -Function => 'bridge', # -Activated => 1, # }, # { # -Title => 'Change the Program Root Password', # -Title_URL => $S_PROGRAM_URL."/plugins/change_root_password", # -Function => 'change_root_password', # -Activated => 0, # }, # { # -Title => 'Change Your List Short Name', # -Title_URL => $S_PROGRAM_URL."/plugins/change_list_shortname", # -Function => 'change_list_shortname', # -Activated => 0, # }, # { # -Title => 'Password Protect Directories', # -Title_URL => $S_PROGRAM_URL."/plugins/password_protect_directories", # -Function => 'password_protect_directories', # -Activated => 1, # }, # { # -Title => 'View Logs', # -Title_URL => $S_PROGRAM_URL."/plugins/log_viewer", # -Function => 'log_viewer', # -Activated => 1, # }, # { # -Title => 'Screen Cache', # -Title_URL => $S_PROGRAM_URL."/plugins/screen_cache", # -Function => 'screen_cache', # -Activated => 0, # }, # { # -Title => 'Global Configuration', # -Title_URL => $S_PROGRAM_URL."/plugins/global_config", # -Function => 'global_config', # -Activated => 0, # }, # { # -Title => 'Boilerplate Example', # -Title_URL => $S_PROGRAM_URL."/plugins/boilerplate_plugin", # -Function => 'boilerplate', # -Activated => 1, # }, # { # -Title => 'View List Settings', # -Title_URL => $S_PROGRAM_URL."/plugins/view_list_settings", # -Function => 'view_list_settings', # -Activated => 1, # }, # { # -Title => 'usage_log_to_consent_activity', # -Title_URL => $S_PROGRAM_URL."/plugins/usage_log_to_consent_activity", # -Function => 'usage_log_to_consent_activity', # -Activated => 0, # }, # { # -Title => 'Multiple Subscribe', # -Title_URL => $EXT_URL."/multiple_subscribe.cgi", # -Function => 'multiple_subscribe', # -Activated => 1, # }, # { # -Title => 'Archive Blog Index', # -Title_URL => $EXT_URL."/blog_index.cgi?mode=html&list=<!-- tmpl_var LT_CHAR -->!-- tmpl_var list_settings.list --<!-- tmpl_var GT_CHAR -->", # -Function => 'blog_index', # -Activated => 1, # }, ], }, { -Title => '<i class="fi-widget"></i> Control Panel Settings', -Activated => 0, -Submenu => [ { -Title => 'Enable/Disable Features', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=feature_set", -Function => 'feature_set', -Activated => 0, }, { -Title => 'Scheduled Jobs', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=scheduled_jobs", -Function => 'scheduled_jobs', -Activated => 1, }, { -Title => 'App Configuration', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=setup_info", -Function => 'setup_info', -Activated => 1, }, { -Title => 'About Dada Mail', -Title_URL => "$S_PROGRAM_URL?flavor=manage_script", -Function => 'manage_script', -Activated => 1, }, ], }, ]; $LIST_QUOTA //= 3; $SUBSCRIPTION_QUOTA //= 100; $MAILOUT_AT_ONCE_LIMIT //= 1; $MAILOUT_STALE_AFTER //= 86400; $EMAIL_CASE //= 'lc_all'; @EMAIL_EXCEPTIONS = qw() unless scalar @EMAIL_EXCEPTIONS; $LIST_IN_ORDER //= 0; $FILE_CHMOD //= 0644; $DIR_CHMOD //= 0755; $HTML_CHARSET //= 'UTF-8'; # # @CHARSETS = ( 'UTF-8 UTF-8', 'Afrikaans (af) iso-8859-1', 'Afrikaans (af) windows-1252', 'Albanian (sq) iso-8859-1', 'Albanian (sq) windows-1252', 'Arabic (ar) iso-8859-6', 'Basque (eu) iso-8859-1', 'Basque (eu) windows-1252', 'Bulgarian (bg) iso-8859-5', 'Byelorussian (be) iso-8859-5', 'Catalan (ca) iso-8859-1', 'Catalan (ca) windows-1252', 'Croatian (hr) iso-8859-2', 'Czech (cs) iso-8859-2', 'Danish (da) iso-8859-1', 'Danish (da) windows-1252', 'Dutch (nl) iso-8859-1', 'Dutch (nl) windows-1252', 'English (en) iso-8859-1', 'English (en) windows-1252', 'Esperanto (eo) iso-8859-3', 'Estonian (et) iso-8859-15', 'Faroese (fo) iso-8859-1', 'Faroese (fo) windows-1252', 'Finnish (fi) iso-8859-1', 'Finnish (fi) windows-1252', 'French (fr) iso-8859-1', 'French (fr) windows-1252', 'Galician (gl) iso-8859-1', 'Galician (gl) windows-1252', 'German (de) iso-8859-1', 'German (de) windows-1252', 'Greek (el) iso-8859-7', 'Hebrew (iw) iso-8859-8', 'Hungarian (hu) iso-8859-2', 'Icelandic (is) iso-8859-1', 'Icelandic (is) windows-1252', 'Inuit (Eskimo) iso-8859-10', 'Irish (ga) iso-8859-1', 'Irish (ga) windows-1252', 'Italian (it) iso-8859-1', 'Italian (it) windows-1252', 'Japanese (ja) shift_jis', 'Japanese (ja) iso-2022-jp', 'Japanese (ja) euc-jp', 'Lapp() iso-8859-10', 'Latvian (lv) iso-8859-13', 'Latvian (lv) windows-1257', 'Lithuanian (lt) iso-8859-13', 'Lithuanian (lt) windows-1257', 'Macedonian (mk) iso-8859-5', 'Maltese (mt) iso-8859-3', 'Norwegian (no) iso-8859-1', 'Norwegian (no) windows-1252', 'Polish (pl) iso-8859-2', 'Portuguese (pt) iso-8859-1', 'Portuguese (pt) windows-1252', 'Romanian (ro) iso-8859-2', 'Russian (ru) koi8-r', 'Russian (ru) iso-8859-5', 'Scottish (gd) iso-8859-1', 'Scottish (gd) windows-1252', 'Serbian (sr) iso-8859-5', 'Slovak (sk) iso-8859-2', 'Slovenian (sl) iso-8859-2', 'Spanish (es) iso-8859-1', 'Spanish (es) windows-1252', 'Swedish (sv) iso-8859-1', 'Swedish (sv) windows-1252', 'Thai (th) windows-874', 'Turkish (tr) iso-8859-9', 'Turkish (tr) windows-1254', 'Ukrainian (uk) iso-8859-5' ) unless scalar @CHARSETS; @CONTENT_TYPES = qw( text/plain text/html ) unless scalar @CONTENT_TYPES; %PRIORITIES = ( 'none' => 'Do not set a, "X-Priority" Header.', 5 => 'lowest', 4 => 'low', 3 => 'normal', 2 => 'high', 1 => 'highest', ) unless keys %PRIORITIES; @CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODINGS = qw( 7bit 8bit quoted-printable base64 binary ) unless scalar @CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODINGS; $HTML_TEXTTOHTML_OPTIONS //= { escape_HTML_chars => 0, # This will also be overridden to, 0 by Dada Mail # BUT! Dada Mail will provide it's own # escape_HTML_chars-like routine }; $HTML_SCRUBBER_OPTIONS //= { rules => [ script => 0, style => 1, ], default => [ 1 => { '*' => 1, # default rule, allow all attributes 'href' => qr{^(?!(?:java)?script)}i, 'src' => qr{^(?!(?:java)?script)}i, 'cite' => '(?i-xsm:^(?!(?:java)?script))', 'language' => 0, 'name' => 1, # could be sneaky, but hey ;) 'onblur' => 0, 'onchange' => 0, 'onclick' => 0, 'ondblclick' => 0, 'onerror' => 0, 'onfocus' => 0, 'onkeydown' => 0, 'onkeypress' => 0, 'onkeyup' => 0, 'onload' => 0, 'onmousedown' => 0, 'onmousemove' => 0, 'onmouseout' => 0, 'onmouseover' => 0, 'onmouseup' => 0, 'onreset' => 0, 'onselect' => 0, 'onsubmit' => 0, 'onunload' => 0, #'src' => 0, # borks images? 'type' => 0, }, ], deny => [ qw( embed object frame iframe meta ) ], comment => 1, process => 0, }; %MIME_TYPES = ( '.gif' => 'image/gif', '.jpg' => 'image/jpg', '.png' => 'image/png', '.jpeg' => 'image/jpeg', '.pdf' => 'application/pdf', '.psd' => 'application/psd', '.html' => 'text/html', '.txt' => 'text/plain', '.doc' => 'application/msword', '.xls' => 'application/x-msexcel', '.ppt' => 'application/x-mspowerpoint', '.mp3' => 'application/octet-stream', '.mov' => 'video/quicktime', ) unless keys %MIME_TYPES; $DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE //= 'application/octet-stream'; $MIME_PARANOID //= 0; $MIME_HUSH //= 0; $MIME_OPTIMIZE = undef; #noop $MIME_TOOLS_PARAMS //= { tmp_to_core => 1, tmp_dir => 'app_default', #server_default, #app_default }; %LIST_SETUP_DEFAULTS = ( # Mailing List >> List Information list => '', # don't default... list_name => '', list_owner_email => '', admin_email => undef, info => '', privacy_policy => '', physical_address => '', # (Dummy) list_info => undef, list_phone_number => undef, list_consent_ids => '', logo_image_url => undef, website_url => undef, facebook_page_url => undef, twitter_url => undef, instagram_url => undef, youtube_url => undef, whatsapp_number => undef, custom_url_color => '#666666', custom_url_label => undef, custom_url => undef, # Mailing List >> List Password password => '', # you'll need to encrypt it to use this... cipher_key => undef, # Mailing List >> Options private_list => 0, #mailing list options mx_check => 0, closed_list => 0, invite_only_list => 0, show_hidden => 0, hide_list => 0, show_request_removal_links => 1, show_subscription_form => 1, # Mass Mailing Options mass_mailing_convert_plaintext_to_html => 1, mass_mailing_block_css_to_inline_css => 1, email_embed_images_as_attachments => 1, email_image_width_limit => 580, email_limit_message_size => 1, email_message_size_limit => 10, resize_drag_and_drop_images => 1, enable_file_attachments_in_editor => 1, email_resize_embedded_images => 1, mass_mailing_remove_javascript => 1, mass_mailing_save_sent_drafts_as_stationery => 0, mass_mailing_default_layout => undef, mass_mailing_show_by_default_type => 'html', mass_mailing_use_list_headers => 1, mass_mailing_use_list_unsubscribe_headers => 1, mass_mailing_show_previews_in => 'modal_window', #quotas use_subscription_quota => 0, subscription_quota => 0, email_your_subscribed_msg => 1, # Notice the incorrect, "your" instead of, "you're" - doh! email_you_are_not_subscribed_msg => 0, send_unsub_success_email => 1, send_sub_success_email => 1, get_sub_notice => 1, send_subscription_notice_to => 'list_owner', alt_send_subscription_notice_to => '' , unsub_show_email_hint => 1, # Not used anymore - "completing_the_unsubscription" should be set to, "one_click_unsubscribe_no_confirm_screen" one_click_unsubscribe => 0, completing_the_unsubscription => 'click_link_on_confirm_screen', get_unsub_notice => 1, send_unsubscription_notice_to => 'list_owner', alt_send_unsubscription_notice_to => '', enable_closed_loop_opt_in => 1, # Closed-Loop Opt-In enable_captcha_on_initial_subscribe_form => 1, limit_sub_confirm => 1, limit_sub_confirm_use_captcha => 1, enable_sub_confirm_stopforumspam_protection => 0, enable_sub_confirm_suspicious_activity_by_ip_protection => 1, use_alt_url_sub_confirm_success => 0, alt_url_sub_confirm_success => '', alt_url_sub_confirm_success_w_qs => 0, alt_url_sub_confirm_success_show_in_modal_window => 0, use_alt_url_sub_confirm_failed => 0, alt_url_sub_confirm_failed_w_qs => 0, alt_url_sub_confirm_failed => '', alt_url_sub_confirm_failed_show_in_modal_window => 0, use_alt_url_sub_success => 0, alt_url_sub_success_w_qs => 0, alt_url_sub_success => '', use_alt_url_sub_failed => 0, alt_url_sub_failed_w_qs => 0, alt_url_sub_failed => '', use_alt_url_unsub_success => 0, alt_url_unsub_success_w_qs => 0, alt_url_unsub_success => '', use_alt_url_subscription_approval_step => 0, alt_url_subscription_approval_step => '', alt_url_subscription_approval_step_w_qs => 0, enable_subscription_approval_step => 0, captcha_sub => 0, send_subscribed_by_list_owner_message => 0, send_unsubscribed_by_list_owner_message => 0, send_last_archived_msg_mass_mailing => 0, send_admin_unsubscription_notice => 0, send_admin_unsubscription_notice_to => 'list_owner', alt_send_admin_unsubscription_notice_to => '', # SMTP Options smtp_server => undef, smtp_port => 25, use_smtp_ssl => 0, smtp_starttls => 0, smtp_ssl_verify_mode => 0, set_smtp_sender => 1, use_sasl_smtp_auth => 0, sasl_auth_mechanism => 'AUTO', sasl_smtp_username => undef, sasl_smtp_password => undef, smtp_max_messages_per_connection => undef, # Sending Options # Enable Batch Sending enable_bulk_batching => 1, # adjust_batch_sleep_time adjust_batch_sleep_time => 1, # Receive Finishing Message get_finished_notification => 1, # Send: [x] message(s) per batch mass_send_amount => 1, # and then wait: [x] seconds, before the next bulk_sleep_amount => 8, # Auto-Pickup Dropped Mass Mailings auto_pickup_dropped_mailings => 1, # sendmail, smtp, amazon_ses sending_method => 'sendmail', # Send a copy to the List Owner mass_mailing_send_to_list_owner => 1, mass_mailing_save_logs => 0, amazon_ses_auto_batch_settings => 1, # For mass mailings, connect only once per batch? # 0 = no # 1 = yes! smtp_connection_per_batch => 0, # adv sending options precedence => undef, charset => 'UTF-8 UTF-8', # (Dummy) charset_value => 'UTF-8', priority => 3, plaintext_encoding => 'quoted-printable', html_encoding => 'quoted-printable', add_sendmail_f_flag => 1, verp_return_path => 0, # view list prefs view_list_subscriber_number => 100, view_list_show_timestamp_col => 1, view_list_show_sub_confirm_list => 1, view_list_enable_delete_all_button => 0, view_list_order_by => 'timestamp', view_list_order_by_direction => 'DESC', # add list prefs use_add_list_import_limit => 1, add_list_import_limit => 5000, allow_profile_editing => 0, # archive prefs archive_messages => 1, show_archives => 1, archives_available_only_to_subscribers => 0, archive_subscribe_form => 1, archive_search_form => 1, captcha_archive_send_form => 0, archive_send_form => 0, send_newest_archive => 0, archive_show_second => 0, archive_show_hour_and_minute => 0, archive_show_month => 1, archive_show_day => 1, archive_show_year => 1, archive_index_count => 10, sort_archives_in_reverse => 1, disable_archive_js => 1, style_quoted_archive_text => 1, publish_archives_rss => 1, ping_archives_rss => 0, html_archives_in_iframe => 0, display_attachments => 1, add_subscribe_form_to_feeds => 1, add_social_bookmarking_badges => 1, archive_auto_remove => 0, archive_auto_remove_after_timespan => '1y', # Can be set to, "none","break", "spam_me_not" archive_protect_email => 'break', enable_gravatars => 0, default_gravatar_url => undef, # archive editing prefs editable_headers => 'Subject', #blacklist black_list => 1, add_unsubs_to_black_list => 1, allow_blacklisted_to_subscribe => 1, allow_admin_to_subscribe_blacklisted => 0, # White List Prefs enable_white_list => 0, # Testers List Prefs enable_test_list => 0, enable_test_list_address_limit => 1, test_list_address_limit => 10, # List Invite Prefs invites_check_for_already_invited => 1, invites_prohibit_reinvites => 1, invites_show_profile_fields_in_subscription_form => 0, email_theme_name => undef, # Mailing List Template Prefs get_template_data => 'from_default_template', url_template => '', mailing_list_message_from_phrase => '<!-- tmpl_var list_settings.list_name -->', mailing_list_message_to_phrase => '<!-- tmpl_var list_settings.list_name --> Subscriber', mailing_list_message_subject => '<!-- tmpl_var list_settings.list_name --> Message', mailing_list_message_html => qq{<!-- tmpl_var message_body -->\n\n<p><strong><a href="<!-- tmpl_var list_unsubscribe_link -->">Unsubscribe Automatically »</a></strong></p>}, mailing_list_message => qq{<!-- tmpl_var message_body -->\n\nUnsubscribe Automatically:\n<!-- tmpl_var list_unsubscribe_link -->}, # Create a Back Link prefs back_link_website_name => '', back_link_website_url => '', #SQL stuff # I don't think this is honored... # Don't change. subscription_table => 'dada_subscribers', # Not used? hard_remove => 1, # Not used? merge_fields => '', fallback_field_values => '', # HTML Screen Templates html_confirmation_message => undef, html_subscribed_message => undef, html_unsubscribed_message => undef, html_subscription_request_message => undef, # Features admin_menu => undef, disabled_screen_view => 'hide', list_control_panel_style => 'top_bar', # List CP -> Options use_wysiwyg_editor => 'ckeditor', enable_mass_subscribe => 1, enable_mass_subscribe_only_w_root_login => 1, # Send me the list password. pass_auth_id => undef, ### Plugins # Bridge Plugin: group_list => 0, # group_list_pp_mode => 1, group_list_pp_mode_from_phrase => '<!-- tmpl_var original_from_phrase default="Subscriber" --> <!-- tmpl_var --> [<!-- tmpl_var list_settings.list_name -->]', open_discussion_list => 0, discussion_template_defang => 1, only_allow_group_plain_text => 0, mail_group_message_to_poster => 1, prefix_list_name_to_subject => 1, no_prefix_list_name_to_subject_in_archives => 1, bridge_mention_original_sender => 1, set_to_header_to_list_address => 0, prefix_discussion_list_subjects_with => 'list_shortname', send_received_msg => 1, send_msgs_to_list => 1, disable_discussion_sending => 1, mail_discussion_message_to_poster => 1, ignore_spam_messages => 0, find_spam_assassin_score_by => 'looking_for_embedded_headers', ignore_spam_messages_with_status_of => 6, rejected_spam_messages => 'ignore_spam', enable_moderation => 0, moderate_discussion_lists_with => 'list_owner_email', bridge_use_moderation_for => 'everyone', bridge_recently_added_subscribers_timeframe => '1', send_moderation_msg => 0, send_moderation_accepted_msg => 0, send_moderation_rejection_msg => 0, bridge_auto_reject_awaiting_moderation_messages => 1, bridge_auto_reject_awaiting_moderation_messages_timeframe => 1, send_msg_copy_address => '', enable_authorized_sending => 0, authorized_sending_no_moderation => 0, subscriber_sending_no_moderation => 0, strip_file_attachments => 0, file_attachments_to_strip => '', discussion_pop_server => '', discussion_pop_port => 'AUTO', discussion_pop_username => '', discussion_pop_email => '', bridge_list_email_type => 'pop3_account', discussion_pop_password => '', discussion_pop_auth_mode => 'POP', discussion_pop_use_ssl => 0, discussion_pop_starttls => 0, discussion_pop_ssl_verify_mode => 0, bridge_announce_reply_to => 'none', bridge_announce_reply_to_custom_email_address => undef, send_not_allowed_to_post_msg => 1, send_invalid_msgs_to_owner => 1, send_msg_copy_to => 0, rewrite_anounce_from_header => 1, announce_from_header_allowed_domains => '', msg_soft_size_limit => 5242880, msg_hard_size_limit => 7340032, digest_enable => 0, digest_schedule => 86400, digest_last_archive_id_sent => undef, delivery_prefs_set_default => 0, delivery_prefs_default => 'individual', bridge_send_internal_problem_to_list_owner => 1, # Tracker tracker_record_view_count => 5, tracker_auto_parse_links => 1, tracker_auto_parse_mailto_links => 0, tracker_track_opens_method => 'directly', tracker_track_email => 0, tracker_track_anonymously => 1, tracker_show_location_data => 1, tracker_show_maps_in_reports => 1, tracker_clean_up_reports => 1, tracker_show_message_reports_in_mailing_monitor => 0, tracker_protect_tracked_links_from_prefetching => 1, tracker_update_profiles_w_geo_ip_data => 0, tracker_update_profile_fields_ip_dada_meta => undef, tracker_send_analytics_email_notification => 1, tracker_data_auto_remove => 0, tracker_data_auto_remove_after_timespan => '1y', # tracker_enable_data_cache => 1, # tracker_dada_cache_expires => 1, # in hours # Bounce Handler bounce_handler_threshold_score => 10, bounce_handler_hardbounce_score => 4, bounce_handler_softbounce_score => 1, bounce_handler_decay_score => 1, bounce_handler_forward_msgs_to_list_owner => 0, bounce_handler_forward_abuse_report_msgs_to_list_owner => 1, bounce_handler_send_unsub_notification => 0, bounce_handler_when_threshold_reached => 'move_to_bounced_sublist', enable_ignore_bounces_list => 0, public_api_key => undef, private_api_key => undef, schedule_last_checked_time => undef, scheduled_jobs_last_ran => undef, ) unless keys %LIST_SETUP_DEFAULTS; %LIST_SETUP_INCLUDE = () unless keys %LIST_SETUP_INCLUDE; %LIST_SETUP_DEFAULTS = ( %LIST_SETUP_DEFAULTS, %LIST_SETUP_INCLUDE ); %LIST_SETUP_OVERRIDES = () unless keys %LIST_SETUP_OVERRIDES; @LIST_SETUP_DONT_CLONE = qw( list list_name info list_info list_owner_email privacy_policy physical_address password list_consent_ids bridge_list_email_type disable_discussion_sending discussion_pop_server discussion_pop_username discussion_pop_email discussion_pop_password discussion_pop_auth_mode discussion_pop_use_ssl ) unless scalar @LIST_SETUP_DONT_CLONE; $OS //= $^O; $NULL_DEVICE //= '/dev/null'; srand( time() ^ ( $$ + ( $$ << 15 ) ) ); $FIRST_SUB //= 0; $SEC_SUB //= 2; @C = ( 'a' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'Z', '0' .. '9', '.' ); $SALT = $C[ rand(@C) ] . $C[ rand(@C) ]; $ENABLE_CSRF_PROTECTION //= 1; # Pick a word. It really doesn't matter what the word is - a longer # word doesn't necessarily mean a better pin number. if ( !defined($PIN_WORD) ) { $PIN_WORD = ( $ROOT_PASS_IS_ENCRYPTED == 1 ) ? ($PROGRAM_ROOT_PASSWORD) : ('dada'); } # Pick a number. I would keep it between 1 and 9. $PIN_NUM //= unpack( "%32C*", $FILES ); $TEXT_CSV_PARAMS //= { binary => 1, # allow_loose_escapes => 1, always_quote => 1, # auto_diag => 1, }; BEGIN { @AnyDBM_File::ISA = qw(DB_File GDBM_File) } # I don't believe this does anything, and should be removed: $ATTACHMENT_TEMPFILE //= 0; $MAIL_VERP_SEPARATOR //= '-'; $VERSION = 11.22.0; $VER = 'v11.22.0 stable 2023-09-18'; # # # ##################################################################### $PROGRAM_NAME //= "Dada Mail"; %EMAIL_HEADERS = ( Date => undef, From => undef, To => undef, Cc => undef, Bcc => undef, Sender => undef, 'Return-Path' => undef, 'Reply-To' => undef, 'In-Reply-To' => undef, References => undef, 'X-Priority' => undef, 'X-Original-From' => undef, 'Content-Base' => undef, List => undef, 'List-Archive' => undef, 'List-Digest' => undef, 'List-Help' => undef, 'List-ID' => undef, 'List-Owner' => undef, 'List-Post' => undef, 'List-Subscribe' => undef, 'List-Unsubscribe' => undef, 'List-Unsubscribe' => undef, 'List-Unsubscribe-Post' => undef, 'List-URL' => undef, 'X-BeenThere' => undef, 'X-Beenthere' => undef, 'Message-ID' => undef, 'Precedence' => 'list', 'X-Mailer' => "$PROGRAM_NAME $VER ", 'X-Cc' => undef, 'Content-type' => undef, 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => undef, 'Content-Disposition' => undef, 'MIME-Version' => undef, Subject => '(no subject)', 'X-Preheader' => undef, Body => 'blank', ) unless keys %EMAIL_HEADERS; @EMAIL_HEADERS_ORDER = qw( Date From To Cc Bcc Sender Return-Path Reply-To In-Reply-To References X-Priority X-Original-From Precedence List X-List List-Archive List-Digest List-Help List-ID List-Owner List-Post List-Subscribe List-Unsubscribe List-Unsubscribe-Post List-URL X-BeenThere X-Beenthere X-Message-ID Message-ID X-Mailer X-Cc Content-type Content-Transfer-Encoding Content-Disposition Content-Base MIME-Version X-Preheader Subject ) unless scalar @EMAIL_HEADERS_ORDER; $LIST_HEADERS //= { 'Precedence' => undef, 'List' => undef, 'List-Archive' => undef, 'List-Digest' => undef, 'List-Help' => undef, 'List-ID' => undef, 'List-Owner' => undef, 'List-Post' => undef, 'List-Subscribe' => undef, 'List-Unsubscribe' => undef, 'List-Unsubscribe' => undef, 'List-Unsubscribe-Post' => undef, 'List-URL' => undef, 'X-Mailer' => undef, }; ###################################################################### # # # # # $GIVE_PROPS_IN_EMAIL //= 1; $GIVE_PROPS_IN_HTML //= 1; $GIVE_PROPS_IN_ADMIN //= 1; $GIVE_PROPS_IN_SUBSCRIBE_FORM //= 1; $PROGRAM_IMG_FILENAME //= 'dada_mail_logo.png'; ########################################## # # my $imported_config = 0; sub _config_import { # if ($imported_config == 1){ # warn 'skipping opening .dada_config - already imported.'; # return; # } # else { # warn 'opening .dada_config' ; # } # There's no user-servicable parts in the subroutine, so don't make any changes, # unless you're customizing Dada Mail or debugging something interesting. # if ( exists( $ENV{NO_DADA_MAIL_CONFIG_IMPORT} ) ) { if ( $ENV{NO_DADA_MAIL_CONFIG_IMPORT} == 1 ) { return; } } # Keep this as, '' # What we're doing is, seeing if you've actually changed the variable from # it's default, and if not, we take a best guess. my $CONFIG_FILE_DIR = undef; if ( defined($OS) !~ m/^Win|^MSWin/i ) { my $getpwuid_call; my $good_getpwuid; eval { $getpwuid_call = ( getpwuid $> )[7]; }; if ( !$@ ) { $good_getpwuid = $getpwuid_call; } if ( $PROGRAM_CONFIG_FILE_DIR eq 'auto' ) { $good_getpwuid =~ s/\/$//; $CONFIG_FILE_DIR = $good_getpwuid . '/.dada_files/.configs'; } else { $CONFIG_FILE_DIR = $PROGRAM_CONFIG_FILE_DIR; } } $CONFIG_FILE = $CONFIG_FILE_DIR . '/.dada_config'; # yes, shooting yourself in the foot, RTM $CONFIG_FILE =~ /(.*)/; $CONFIG_FILE = $1; if ( -e $CONFIG_FILE && -f $CONFIG_FILE && -s $CONFIG_FILE ) { open( CONFIG, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $CONFIG_FILE ) or warn "could not open outside config file, '$CONFIG_FILE' because: $!"; my $conf; $conf = do { local $/; <CONFIG> }; # shooting again, $conf =~ m/(.*)/ms; $conf = $1; eval $conf; if ($@) { die "$PROGRAM_NAME $VER ERROR - Outside config file '$CONFIG_FILE' contains errors:\n\n$@\n\n"; } if ( $PROGRAM_CONFIG_FILE_DIR eq 'auto' ) { if ( !defined $PROGRAM_ERROR_LOG ) { $PROGRAM_ERROR_LOG = $LOGS . '/errors.txt'; open( STDERR, ">>$PROGRAM_ERROR_LOG" ) || warn "$PROGRAM_NAME Error: Cannot redirect STDERR, it's possible that Dada Mail does not have write permissions to this file ($PROGRAM_ERROR_LOG) or it doesn't exist! If Dada Mail cannot make this file for you, create it yourself and give it enough permissions so it may write to it: $!"; } } } if ( $PROGRAM_URL eq '' ) { require CGI; $PROGRAM_URL = CGI::url(); } # I really DO NOT think this is the place to massage Config variables if they # aren't set right, but it will save people headaches, in the long run: my %default_table_names = ( subscriber_table => 'dada_subscribers', profile_table => 'dada_profiles', profile_fields_table => 'dada_profile_fields', profile_fields_attributes_table => 'dada_profile_fields_attributes', profile_settings_table => 'dada_profile_settings', archives_table => 'dada_archives', settings_table => 'dada_settings', session_table => 'dada_sessions', bounce_scores_table => 'dada_bounce_scores', clickthrough_urls_table => 'dada_clickthrough_urls', clickthrough_url_log_table => 'dada_clickthrough_url_log', mass_mailing_event_log_table => 'dada_mass_mailing_event_log', password_protect_directories_table => 'dada_password_protect_directories', confirmation_tokens_table => 'dada_confirmation_tokens', message_drafts_table => 'dada_message_drafts', rate_limit_hits_table => 'dada_rate_limit_hits', email_message_previews_table => 'dada_email_message_previews', privacy_policies_table => 'dada_privacy_policies', consents_table => 'dada_consents', consent_activity_table => 'dada_consent_activity', simple_auth_str_table => 'dada_simple_auth_str', dbtype => 'SQLite', database => 'dadamail', ); for ( keys %default_table_names ) { if ( !exists( $SQL_PARAMS{$_} ) ) { $SQL_PARAMS{$_} = $default_table_names{$_}; } } } =pod =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 1999 - 2023 Justin Simoni All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =cut # Don't remove the '1'. It lives here at the bottom. It likes it there. 1; __END__