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#!/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl # cpanel - scripts/ccs-check Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C. # All rights reserved. # # This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited use strict; use warnings; # Make sure we get exactly the args we want, with a little flexibility for calling --help, -h, -HELP, etc. exit script() unless caller; sub script { my $args_ok = 0; my $update_ssl = 0; my $no_restart = 0; my $force_run = 0; foreach my $arg (@ARGV) { if ( $arg =~ m/^-{1,2}h/i ) { show_usage(); return 0; } elsif ( $arg eq '--run' ) { $args_ok = 1; } elsif ( $arg eq '--ssl' ) { $update_ssl = 1; } elsif ( $arg eq '--force' ) { $force_run = 1; } elsif ( $arg eq '--norestart' ) { $no_restart = 1; } else { print "Unknown arguments passed.\n"; show_usage(1); return 1; } } if ( $args_ok != 1 ) { show_usage(); return 1; } # If it's not installed, just abort if ( !$force_run && !-f '/opt/cpanel-ccs/bin/run' ) { return 0; } # Handle updating of SSL pem for CCS if ( $update_ssl == 1 ) { require Cpanel::SSLService; my %ssl_info = Cpanel::SSLService::getsslargs(); require Cpanel::SafetyBits::Chown; require Cpanel::MD5; my $target_pem = '/opt/cpanel-ccs/conf/cpanel.pem'; my $orig_md5; if ( -f $target_pem ) { $orig_md5 = Cpanel::MD5::getmd5sum($target_pem); } if ( defined( $ssl_info{'SSL_cert_file'} ) ) { require Cpanel::FileUtils::Copy; if ( !-d '/opt/cpanel-ccs/conf' ) { require Cpanel::SafeDir::MK; Cpanel::SafeDir::MK::safemkdir('/opt/cpanel-ccs/conf'); if ( $< == 0 ) { Cpanel::SafetyBits::Chown::safe_chown( 'cpanel-ccs', 'cpanel-ccs', '/opt/cpanel-ccs/conf' ); } } # If we have a combined pem, use that, otherwise we need to build a PEM from what we have. if ( $ssl_info{'SSL_cert_file'} eq $ssl_info{'SSL_key_file'} ) { Cpanel::FileUtils::Copy::safecopy( $ssl_info{'SSL_cert_file'}, $target_pem ); if ( $< == 0 ) { Cpanel::SafetyBits::Chown::safe_chown( 'cpanel-ccs', 'cpanel-ccs', $target_pem ); } } else { my $pem_contents; # pem order is key > cert > ca foreach my $file ( $ssl_info{'SSL_key_file'}, $ssl_info{'SSL_cert_file'}, $ssl_info{'SSL_ca_file'} ) { if ( open my $read_fh, '<', $file ) { while ( my $line = <$read_fh> ) { $pem_contents .= $line; } } } require Cpanel::FileUtils::Write; Cpanel::FileUtils::Write::write( $target_pem, $pem_contents ); if ( $< == 0 ) { Cpanel::SafetyBits::Chown::safe_chown( 'cpanel-ccs', 'cpanel-ccs', $target_pem ); } } } else { # If the system for some reason doesn't report cert info, fall back to the self signed pem that comes with CCS Cpanel::FileUtils::Copy::safecopy( '/opt/cpanel-ccs/twistedcaldav/test/data/server.pem', $target_pem ); } if ( -f $target_pem ) { if ( $no_restart == 0 ) { my $current_md5 = Cpanel::MD5::getmd5sum($target_pem); if ( !defined($orig_md5) || ( defined($orig_md5) && ( $orig_md5 ne $current_md5 ) ) ) { print "SSL information changed, restarting CCS..\n"; require Cpanel::SafeRun::Simple; Cpanel::SafeRun::Simple::saferun(qw{systemctl restart cpanel-ccs}); } } } print "SSL information updated.\n"; } return 0; } ###[ Functions ]######################################################################################################## sub show_usage { my ($use_stderr) = @_; my $out_fh = ( $use_stderr ? \*STDERR : \*STDOUT ); print $out_fh <<EOF; This script handles some maintenance for the Calendar and Contacts Server plugin, if installed. Usage: scripts/ccs-check <--help|--run|--ssl> --help : Show this output --run : Actually run this script --ssl : Copy the SSL certificate information in to place --force : Copy the SSL certificate information in to place regardless if CCS is installed or not --norestart : Don't restart CCS even if SSL information is updated EOF return; }