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#!/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl # cpanel - scripts/remote_log_transfer Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C. # All rights reserved. # # This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited package scripts::remote_log_transfer; =head1 NAME This script is used to copy all the main system logs from a server to a backup destination configured in WHM. For verbose help and examples, call this script with the --morehelp argument. =cut use strict; use warnings; use Cpanel::Logger (); use Cpanel::Config::Users (); use parent qw( Cpanel::HelpfulScript ); ################################################################################ use constant _OPTIONS => qw( action=s destid=s local_dir=s remote_dir=s keep debug morehelp ); __PACKAGE__->new(@ARGV)->run() unless caller(); ################################################################################ # Much of this is a modification of scripts/cpbackup_transport_file ################################################################################ sub run { my ($self) = @_; if ( $self->getopt('morehelp') ) { show_usage(); return; } $self->ensure_root(); my @transport_ids = split( /,/, $self->getopt('destid') ) if defined( $self->getopt('destid') ); my $command = $self->getopt('action'); my $keep_local = $self->getopt('keep') || 0; my $local_dir = $self->getopt('local_dir') || '/backup/'; my $remote_dir = $self->getopt('remote_dir') || 'log_backups'; if ( !defined $command || !$command ) { show_usage(); return; } if ( $command eq 'list' ) { my $all_files_and_directories_ar = get_all_log_paths(); foreach my $path ( @{$all_files_and_directories_ar} ) { print "$path\n"; } } elsif ( $command eq 'transfer' ) { $Cpanel::Debug::level = 9999 if ( $self->getopt('debug') ); if ( !@transport_ids ) { print STDERR "\n!!!!! Missing argument “--destid=\$destination_id”\n\n"; show_usage(); return; } # Validate the transport_id(s) require Cpanel::Backup::Transport; require Cpanel::Backup::Utility; my $transports = Cpanel::Backup::Transport->new(); my $transport_configs = $transports->get_enabled_destinations(); my $transport_config_cnt = @transport_ids; my $one_transport_was_good = 0; foreach my $transport_id (@transport_ids) { my $matching_cfg = $transport_configs->{$transport_id}; if ( !$matching_cfg ) { print "\nNo backup transports exist or are enabled that match the supplied transport “$transport_id” , skipping..\n"; } else { $one_transport_was_good++; } } if ( !$one_transport_was_good ) { show_usage(); return; } my $log_tarball_path = $self->get_log_backup_path($local_dir); print "Creating log backup file $log_tarball_path\n"; require Cpanel::Backup::Config; my %conf = %{ Cpanel::Backup::Config::load() }; my $utility = Cpanel::Backup::Utility->new( \%conf ); my $all_log_paths_ar = get_all_log_paths(); # Create this file without world-readable permissions my $orig_umask = umask(0077); # We create a bzip2'd tarball to maximize space savings of mostly text log files if ( $utility->cpusystem( 'tar', 'cfpj', $log_tarball_path, @{$all_log_paths_ar} ) == 0 ) { chmod( 0600, $log_tarball_path ); } else { print STDERR "Failed to create $log_tarball_path : $!\n"; return; } umask($orig_umask); # keep_local has to be overridden here until the last transport, otherwise it will delete the log backup file after the first transport # is done. my $transport_cnt = @transport_ids; my $current_transport = 0; my $final_keeplocal = $keep_local; foreach my $transport_id (@transport_ids) { $current_transport++; print "Attempting transport of '$log_tarball_path' using transport ID '$transport_id''.\n"; # Note, the 'Cpanel::Backup::Queue::transport_backup' package/namespace is also defined by this package, so thus it is imported. require Cpanel::Backup::Queue; # PPI USE OK -- Cpanel::Backup::Queue::transport_backup is defined there require File::Basename; # Even if keep local is false, but we have more transports, toggle it to true if ( $current_transport < $transport_cnt ) { $keep_local = 1; } else { $keep_local = $final_keeplocal; } my $args = { local_path => $log_tarball_path, remote_path => $remote_dir . '/' . File::Basename::basename($log_tarball_path), local_files => $log_tarball_path, keep_local => $keep_local, # This has no affect here, but we pass it nonetheless and action the logic a little further down session_id => 'LOG_TRANSFER', type => 'compressed', cmd => 'log_transfer', transport => $transport_id, }; my $logger = Cpanel::Logger->new( { 'use_no_files' => 1 } ); Cpanel::Backup::Queue::transport_backup->new()->process_task( $args, $logger ); # PPI NO PARSE -- See comment below # The import of Cpanel::Backup::Queue above via require causes the # namespace in question here to exist, as it is the kind of package # which defines multiple packages in one file, as perl allows you to # do. As this is the "common" design of TaskProcessor modules, # this is not only expected but appropriate. } unlink $log_tarball_path if !$keep_local; } else { show_usage(); return; } return; } ################################################################################ # how thing do ? sub show_usage { my $log_file_paths_ar = get_all_log_paths(); print <<EOU; Usage: $0 --action=<cmd> <args> Commands: list - Lists all log paths that will be transferred transfer - Transfer logs to remote server Arguments: --destid=<DestinationID> The <DestinationID> can be found in WHM on the Backup Configuration -> Additional Destinations page. The argument here can support multiple destinations, comma delimited, i.e. --destid=OQosRCmRnTNcLcCojd7C0vhC,TAMdl6LZCxQELuUAVO20SjQm will upload the log backup to both OQosRCmRnTNcLcCojd7C0vhC and TAMdl6LZCxQELuUAVO20SjQm destinations --local_dir=/backup The local directory where the compress log files tarball will be stored before transfering to the remote destinations. Note that this assumes the local directory given is already mounted. Defaults to “/backup/” --remote_dir=remote_path/ The path used to store the log file backup on the remote server, relative or absolute based on transfer destination requirements Defaults to “log_backups” --debug Show verbose debug output --keep Keep the local log file backup after transfer to the remote destination(s). Example usages: # List all log file locations. Additional custom paths can be added to /var/cpanel/config/extra_remote_transfer_paths.txt $0 --action=list # Transfer all logs to the remote backup destination whose ID is TAMdl6LZCxQELuUAVO20SjQm $0 --action=transfer --destid=TAMdl6LZCxQELuUAVO20SjQm # Same as above, but store the logs in the remote directory “backups/logs/Atlanta/” rather than “log_backups/” , while also keeping the local backup in /mnt/backup2/ $0 --action=transfer --destid=TAMdl6LZCxQELuUAVO20SjQm --remote_dir=backups/logs/Atlanta/ --local_dir=/mnt/backups2/ --keep Log files: Custom file paths can be configured by adding them to /var/cpanel/config/extra_remote_transfer_paths.txt , one line for each path. Be careful if adding paths here as no validation is done. EOU print "\t\tCurrently configured paths:\n\n"; foreach my $path ( @{$log_file_paths_ar} ) { print "\t\t-\t$path\n"; } print "\n"; return; } ################################################################################ # We might want to add this to Cpanel/Backup/ at some point, but this script also should be as independant as possible sub get_all_log_paths { my @paths = ( "/var/log/", "/usr/local/cpanel/logs/", "/var/cpanel/logs/", "/var/cpanel/updatelogs/", ); require Cpanel::PwCache; foreach my $user ( Cpanel::Config::Users::getcpusers() ) { my $homedir = Cpanel::PwCache::gethomedir($user); push @paths, "$homedir/logs/"; } if ( open( my $custom_extra_fh, '<', '/var/cpanel/config/extra_remote_transfer_paths.txt' ) ) { while (<$custom_extra_fh>) { chomp; my $c_path = $_; if ( $c_path !~ m/^\// ) { print STDERR "Custom path “$c_path” must be absolute ( start with / ), ignoring\n"; } else { if ( -f $c_path || -d _ ) { push( @paths, $c_path ); } else { print STDERR "Custom path “$c_path” is not a file or directory, ignoring.\n"; } } } close($custom_extra_fh); } return \@paths; } ################################################################################ # broken out for easier testing sub get_log_backup_path { my ( $self, $local_dir ) = @_; # Create log file backup from all paths in get_all_log_paths() with a base directory require Cpanel::Hostname; my $hostname = Cpanel::Hostname::gethostname(); my ( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, undef, undef, undef ) = localtime(); my $formatted_date = sprintf( "%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d-%02d-%02d", $year + 1900, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec ); my $log_tarball_path = $local_dir . '/log_backup_' . $hostname . '_' . $formatted_date . '.tar.bz2'; return $local_dir . '/log_backup_' . $hostname . '_' . $formatted_date . '.tar.bz2'; } ################################################################################ 1;