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#!/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl # cpanel - scripts/update_local_rpm_versions Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C. # All rights reserved. # # This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited use strict; use warnings; use Cpanel::RPM::Versions::File (); use Cpanel::Usage (); use Cpanel::SafeDir::MK (); # ACTIVATION: remove this activation piece when cPanel on CentOS 7 is officially available # use Cpanel::ConfigFiles::RpmVersions (); my $add = ''; my $edit = ''; my $del = ''; my $directory = ''; my $file = ''; my $key = 0; my $section = 1; my $value = ''; my $packages = ''; my %opts = ( 'directory' => \$directory, 'file' => \$file, 'add' => \$add, 'edit' => \$edit, 'del' => \$del, ); # --add section.key.key value my $cmdl_regex = { 'modify' => qr/-- # -- to begin the command (:?add|edit) # add or edit \s+ # one or more spaces (:?\S+?) # keys \s+ # one or more spaces (.+?) # value is the rest of the provided text. \s* # Ignore any trailing spaces $/x, # end of command 'delete' => qr/-- # -- to begin the command (:?del) # Delete command \s+ # one or more spaces (:?\S+?) # keys $/x, # end of command }; my $orig_cmdl = join ' ', @ARGV; my $return = Cpanel::Usage::wrap_options( \@ARGV, \&usage, \%opts ); exit $return if $return; $file ||= $Cpanel::ConfigFiles::RpmVersions::RPM_VERSIONS_FILE; $directory ||= '/var/cpanel/rpm.versions.d'; if ( !-d $directory ) { Cpanel::SafeDir::MK::safemkdir( $directory, '0750' ); } my $versions = Cpanel::RPM::Versions::File->new( { file => $file, directory => $directory } ); if ( $add || $edit ) { if ( $orig_cmdl !~ /$cmdl_regex->{'modify'}/ ) { usage(); exit 1; } my $cmdl = $add ? $add : $edit; my ( $section, $keys, $value ) = parse_cmd($cmdl); if ( !$section || !@{$keys} || !defined $value ) { usage(); exit 1; } my $set_method = "set_$section"; if ( $versions->can($set_method) ) { $value = [ split /\s*\,\s*/, $value ] if $value =~ /\,/; my $error = $versions->$set_method( { 'key' => $keys, 'value' => $value } ); if ($error) { print $error . "\n\n"; usage(); exit 2; } $versions->save(); } else { print "Section $section does not exist.\n"; usage(); exit 1; } exit(0); } elsif ($del) { if ( $orig_cmdl !~ /$cmdl_regex->{'delete'}/ ) { usage(); exit 1; } my ( $section, $keys ) = parse_cmd($del); if ( !$section || !$keys ) { usage(); exit 1; } my $del_method = "delete_$section"; if ( $versions->can($del_method) ) { $versions->$del_method( { 'key' => $keys } ); $versions->save(); } else { print "Section $section does not exist.\n\n"; usage(); exit 1; } exit(0); } print "Unknown arguments passed to $0\n\n"; usage(); exit 3; sub usage { my $prog = $0; $prog =~ s{^.+/(.+)$}{$1}; print <<EOF; Usage: $prog < --add <section.key> <value> | --edit <section.key> <value> | --del <section.key> > [--file <file>] [--drectory <directory>] [--<help|usage>] Where: --add: Add a <value> to <section>.<key> --edit: Edit a <value> in <section>.<key> --del: Delete <section>.<key> --file: Get default values from <file> (Default: $Cpanel::ConfigFiles::RpmVersions::RPM_VERSIONS_FILE) --directory: Write output to local.versions in <directory> (Default: /var/cpanel/rpm.versions.d) --help: This display --usage: This display EOF return; } sub parse_cmd { my ($cmd) = @_; my ( $section, @keys ) = split /\./, $cmd; my $value; $value = $ARGV[-1] if $ARGV[-1] ne $ARGV[0]; return ( $section, \@keys, $value ); }